Listening to the Experts or God 9

By Robert Wayne La Coste Some of you probably watched the television show 20-20 not long ago that called into question the use of corporal punishment for children. I watched with amazement. My amazement was only beginning! Immediately after this production, the local news did a feature story also on physical punishment that called such practice …

Sodomites and Murderers Unite!

By Harry R. Osborne Around the time of the Republican National Convention, a major confrontation over abortion took place in Houston. Those favoring the present state of legalized abortion sought the help of almost anyone who agreed with their cause to help in their opposition to those against abortion on demand. The most interesting aspect of …

An Open Letter to Action’s Editor: Data Base Set Up On Nigerian Evangelists

By Benson A. Onwuchuruba The above caption appeared on page 2 of the February 1992, issue of World Bible School (WBS) monthly journal Action which you serve as its editor. A copy of the journal in reference was made available to me by a brother who does the work of an evangelist in the northern states …