Evolution of Apostasy - (Final Sale on the "Package Deal")

A. C. Grider
Meridian, Mississippi

1. In 1947, N. B. Hardeman said churches could support colleges if they wanted to.

2. He said orphan homes and colleges were HUMAN institutions and parallel.

3. The liberals pulled the schools back and made a plea for orphan homes.

4. We said they would be back with their plea for church support of schools.

5. They denied it and continued to shed tears over "poor little orphans."

6. Many liberals said they would never agree to church support of colleges.

7. They ran into difficulty in establishing scriptural church support of homes.

8. They chucked Hardeman's statement and said the homes were DIVINE.

9. But we still said they would be back with a plea for church support of schools.

10. They continued to deny it and continued to search for scriptures.

11. Pullias came out with his "there is no pattern~~ nonsense.

12. This paved the way for benevolent, missionary, and edification societies.

13. They formed societies of every description.

14. We continued to say they would return with a plea for church support of schools.

15. They continued to deny it.

17. They conducted citywide, area-wide, statewide, and worldwide conventions.

18. Congregation after congregation lined up and was taken captive.

19. Congregational independence a n d equality was systematically destroyed.

20. The G. A. resorted to its sectarian one-sided policy of printing only one side.

21. They threatened lawsuits and went to law to steal property.

22. We still charged they would again ask for church support of colleges

23. They continued to deny it.

24. They had lined up all that would line up by the start of 1964.

25. Then they made their move.

26. A. C. Pullias told the Board to ask for church support of colleges.

27. Batsell B. Baxter, in sermon and tract, asked for church support of colleges.

28. Baxter says churches are OBLIGATED to support colleges.

29. Those liberals who said "no" will now say, "YES" to church support of colleges.

30. The division is now complete and the liberals constitute a denomination.

31. Those who said no and who now will say yes will insist they haven't changed.

32. If any do still say "no" they will be branded as antis.

33. The liberals have withdrawn from the polemic platform.

34. This apostasy has SPLIT churches all over the world.

35. The denominations are tickled to death with the "society brethren."

36. The liberals are candidates for the "Federal Council."

37. They have built a veritable "Tower of Babel."

38. They haven't a distinguishing characteristic not possessed by denominations.

39. All they need now is a name to set them apart from faithful churches.

40. The "Package Deal" is signed, sealed, and is being delivered!!

Truth Magazine VIII: 9, p. 1 June 1944