Two Schools of Thought

James W. Adams
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We occasionally read the woman's page in our daily newspaper. Oh, why not be honest about it? Someone has said, "Honest confession is good for the soul." We almost invariably read the woman's page in our daily newspaper. With some amusement, to say nothing of amazement, we have noted that there are two schools of thought on women's fashions these days. One set of dress designers favors lowering the dresses from the neckline. The other set steadfastly contends for shortening the hemline. Nuggets recently suggested, "Thank goodness they are competitors and not partners." It is easy to see that should they collaborate the world would soon become one vast nudist colony.

This made us think of our situation among the church these days. The Gospel Advocate contends for turning the work of the churches over to human institutions and robbing the church treasuries to support them. The Firm Foundation insists stoutly on putting human institutions under the eldership and robbing the treasuries of the churches to support them. If they ever find a basis for collaboration, and it looks as if the recent flurry over the Baxter Booklet will end in an agreement to peacefully co-exist, they will denude church treasuries and programs as quickly and effectively as dress designers are denuding fashion conscious females. With the Gospel Advocate working from the top and the Firm Foundation working from the bottom, it will not take the "twain" long to meet." (J.W.A.)

Truth Magazine VIII: 10, p. 24 July 1964