A Matter Of Fact

By Irven Lee

Atheists, Christians, and many who hardly qualify for either of these groups live here in the same country. The different people have very different lifestyles, and they do not know what others are doing. Some with moral conviction are waking up and looking around. These are scared at what they see. There is a sense of guilt within them because they realize now that they have not been alert, and they now see that it is way past noon on this day of battle between two radically different philosophies of life.

I am ashamed of how little I knew about the very obvious and threatening activities of atheists in my own generation. I am without excuse because I had some little contact with the anti-religious people fifty years ago when I was in school. What I saw then upset me, and I have remembered that there are such repulsive characters; but I did not keep in touch with them enough to realize what they are doing. I have gone among my brethren and among neighbors with some conviction and character. This association has been pleasant and has given me many worthwhile experiences-a good life on a good earth.

Those infidels (liberals, broad-minded intellectuals, arrogant enemies of Christ) thought of Christians as stupid fools, and they were willing to reveal their feelings. These were unpleasant associates, so I withdrew from them for life. None needs the company of these unbelievers, but they did need to be watched as one army watches the other in war time. I learned that the unbelievers who referred to themselves as broad-minded were actually arrogantly dogmatic. There was an amazing lack of conviction, but there were pride and prejudice in abundance.

The Humanist Association has been organized and active in this country for a few decades. This is an association of atheists who know no power in the universe higher than man. Their assumption is that there is no Savior, no inspired revelation, and no God, so man is left to plot his own course. This concept includes the idea that man and all animals and plants have evolved over hundreds of millions of years. To Humanists there is no such thing as sin, heaven, hell, or final judgment since, to them, there is no life after death. Nothing is absolute. Each person decides what is right for him according to the situation at any given time.

Drug addiction, greed, divorce, murder, and all other sins against society abound through the influence of humanism as a philosophy. The apostle Paul described such people in his generation as “having no hope, and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12). People generally have referred to them as pagans. Paganism is being brought to many Americans through the influence of the Humanist Society.

There are many people in our country who still believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). These believers have not been good watchmen. Their adversaries, the Humanists, have been much more active than believers have been now for half a century. The unbelievers have gotten almost complete control of television and radio networks, large newspapers and magazines, school textbooks, and very many of the most effective politicians and governmental employees. They have become powerful enough to see their friends chosen as presidential and vice-presidential candidates for a large and respected political party.

The prominent candidates for political office do not advertise their agreement with atheistic organizations because this would turn the public against them. In fact, they make much ado about their being church members. They can count on the votes of the National Organization of Women (NOW), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the lesbians and the gays, and they try hard to get the votes of believers by deceiving them.

A very strange and distressing phenomenon is that many prominent national leaders of older denominations are actually promoters of the humanistic philosophies. These atheists are glad to use religious groups, political parties, universities, and education associations (e.g. N.E.A) to advance their human philosophy. “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Lk. 16:8). The devil has always delighted to cover himself in sheep’s clothing and appear as an angel of light, for he is a deceiver-the father of liars. It is high time for Christians to awake out of sleep.

The political campaign of 1984 is over, and it is not at all certain what will happen to either party before 1988. The Humanists would be delighted to get control of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Those who believe the Bible to be the word of God should be watchful enough to realize what is happening. Many believers deny the fact that atheists control America’s entertainment, large lobbying groups in Washington, network news, and many of the most prestigious educators. Ignorance is inexcusable since the evidence is readily available.

People with no faith in God are not limited as to how they can promote their plans. Christians are limited in their methods to that which is honest and honorable, but “the weapons of our warfare …are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:3-6). Let us not be ashamed of Christ or His word. Truth can make us free. Let Christians everywhere put on the whole armor and contend earnestly for the faith. (Read Eph. 6:10-20; Phil. 1:17; 1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 4:7.) None should be so foolish as to bury his head in the sand.

Guardian of Truth XXIX: 3, pp. 71, 84
February 7, 1985