Four Facts Fatal To Original Sin

By Larry Ray Hafley The doctrine of original or Adamic sin states that every person is born in sin. Because of Adam’s sin, all men are corrupt and guilty of sin at birth. Note the testimony of the Philadelphia Confession of Faith. By this sin (eating of the forbidden fruit-LRH) they (Adam and Eve-LRH) fell from …

A Christian’s View of Heroes

By William C. Sexton When the 52 Americans came home from Iran, we as a nation and in various communities celebrated, expressing appreciation for their safe return. We have heard them referred to as “heroes.” We have heard some of those who returned relate that their captors wanted to be martyrs! The Christian is challenged by …

A Vacant Chair

By James W. Adams Someone has said, “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world.” On the same subject, Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: Fame is the scentless sunflower,With gaudy crown of gold;But Friendship is the breathing rose,With sweets in every fold. Inspiration immortalizes Friendship by having recorded upon its pages the …