Depravity And The Indwelling Spirit

By Robert F. Turner Does man need a personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit; (1) to overcome his inherited sinful nature; (2) in order to (a) understand the Scripture, (b) be converted, and (c) to live a sanctified life? I am especially thankful that this special issue is planned, for our generation is not well schooled …

Is The Gospel As God Gave It Adapted To Man As God Made Him?

By James W. Adams The general subject of this “Special Issue” is “Total Hereditary Depravity.” This doctrine constitutes one of the “five points” of Calvinistic theology which have long been identified by the T-U-L-I-P acrostic: T = total hereditary depravity; U = unconditional election and reprobation; L = limited atonement; I = irresistible grace; and P …