Did Jesus Have A Sinful Nature?

By Clinton D. Hamilton Introduction Ever since the doctrine of original sin or inherited depravity has been taught, there has been the troublesome question of whether Jesus was born with a sinful nature. One who holds to any theory of original sin faces a real problem in dealing with the issue of the nature of Christ. …

Hereditary Total Depravity Pervades Denominationalism

By Phil Roberts Throughout history man has sought to shift the blame for his sins onto someone else’s shoulders. The ancient Babylonians spoke of man being created out of the blood of a rebel god named Kingu. Naturally such a race could not help being rebellious itself. Even before the coming of Christ the Jews were …

Consequences Of Hereditary Total Depravity

By Mike Willis When one accepts a proposition, there are certain logical consequences which follow. That is true when one accepts the proposition “There is no god” or “Man is the product of evolutionary development.” There are certain logical consequences which result from such an affirmation. Similarly, if one accepts the doctrine of inherited total depravity, …

Hereditary Total Depravity And The New Unity Movement

By Ron Halbrook The new unity movement of the last 15-20 years has been influenced by several denominational concepts, including inherited depravity. This is not surprising. Israel was influenced by the idolatries of the people around them – the Egyptians, the Canaanites, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians. During the early gospel age, Christians were buffeted and …