Christianity in the 80’s (1): I’m OK, You’re OK

By Roger Shouse

Each generation of Christians faces challenging problems that they must identify and overcome in order to make a noticeable impact in the lives that they touch. The 1980’s are no different. The obstacles in our path toward heaven today are not the same as brethren faced in the 1960’s. In the course of time some will conquer these hindrances and go on to excel in Christ Jesus. Others will succumb to these temptations and drift in a lifetime of lackadaisical service and indifferent faith to the Lord.

One of the prevalent things I see and hear today is the attitude many have toward preaching and Bible class topics. The high gloss and glitter of the 1980’s forces us to hide our eyes to faults and shortcomings and accent only the positive and the successful. This thinking can best be summed up by the title of a book, I’m Ok, You’re Ok. This does not take away from positive preaching. Any preaching to be effective will have to be positive, powerful and personal. But I’m not ok, and neither are you! We are sinners being saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. We are in constant need of the blood of the precious Lamb. We need provoking, we need encouraging, we need prodding. Paul told Timothy to “reprove, rebuke and exhort” (2 Tim. 4:2).

I’m ok, you’re ok thinking makes one look over the congregation and say, “I’m a pretty good member.” When one measures himself with the Word of God he says, “I owe my neighbor the gospel, and I can try a little harder next time Lord!”

I’m ok, you’re ok attitudes also make us shy away from repenting of our sins. We are told to confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9). Regardless of the nature of the local church, we should strive to acknowledge wrongs and follow the Lord believing we can become all things that he tells us.

Can you see this attitude today? Don’t be ignorant of such false schemes and fall into the trap before it’s too late. Are you growing in the Lord? Are you bearing fruit unto the Lord? Do you bring glory to God in all you do? I’m not ok, I’m forgetting the past and I am pressing on to the upward call in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13,14).

Guardian of Truth XXXII: 11, p. 333
June 2, 1988