You MUST Read This Book

By David E. Pratte

Let me tell you about a book you must read. If you are a parent with children in public schools, you must read this book! If you someday will be a parent with children in Public schools, you must read this book I If you have grandchildren or any children whom you love and who are in public schools, you must read this book! If you are an elder, preacher, or teacher in a congregation that has children who attend public schools, you must read this book! If you are concerned about why so many young people who are raised by Christians end up rejecting the faith, you must read this book!

What does this book contain? It is official testimony from parents and teachers who testified to the U.S. Department of Education in official hearings held all across the U.S.A. in March of 1984. This book thoroughly documents the reasons for the problems that exist in public schools, and one major reason why so many Christian parents have so many problems with their. children during their school years. The boo4 proves beyond question that the handful of preachers and parents who have been warning people about the dangers in many public schools, were not “crying wolf” when there was no wolf.

Jesus said, “It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true” (Jn. 8:17). And, “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Cor. 13:1). This book contains the personal, first-hand, eyewitness testimony of 108 parents and teachers about problems in the schools. Clearly the Bible recognizes this as a valid way of determining the truth with regard to historical facts. If so, then this book unquestionably proves the following to be facts:

(1) It is as fact that many schools lead our children to believe it is morally acceptable to practice premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexuality, divorce, and prostitution and to read pornography.

(2) It is a fact that many schools lead our children to believe it is morally acceptable to practice abortion, mercy killing, and suicide.

(3) It is a fact that many schools teach our children that it is morally acceptable to enjoy the “moderate” use of alcohol and drugs.

(4) It is a fact that many schools use texts and assigned reading that are full of profanity, sexual suggestiveness, violence, and filth.

(5) It is a fact that many schools encourage our children to believe in or experiment with the occult, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, and Oriental religions.

(6) It is a fact that many schools lead our children to believe in evolution and reject creation.

(7) It is a fact that many schools use Behavioral Modification and other psychological brainwashing techniques to lead our children to reject the beliefs taught them by their parents and by the Bible.

(8) It is a fact that many schools use “Values Clarification” and similar values education methods to lead our children to believe in situation ethics.

(9) It is a fact that many schools use teaching methods that alienate children from their parents, that teach anti-biblical concepts about parenting, and that teach anti-biblical concepts about family roles.

(10) It is a fact that many schools lead our children to accept all the tenets of Secular Humanism, while at the same time discouraging faith in God, Christ, and the Bible!

No, we do not claim that all students in all schools face all these problems. But many students in many schools do face them. And many schools cover it up so parents will not find out about it. And many students will not tell their parents because they fear their teachers and peer pressure. Do you know what is being taught your child?

What book is this? It is Child Abuse in the Classroom. It is edited by Phyllis Schafley, but 99 and 9/10 per cent of it is verbatim testimony of witnesses without comment from anyone. I urge you to borrow it from a library or order it from Guardian of Truth Bookstore.

This book is the proverbial “bombshell.” It is dynamite! It will motivate you to find out what’s going on in your child’s school and do what you can to make sure it’s good for your child. You must read this book! You absolutely, positively must!

Guardian of Truth XXIX: 13, p. 408
July 4, 1985