A Prayer For The Journey’s End

By John R. Hurt

Dear Lord as I travel blithely along in this earthly pilgrimage, help me to be ever mindful that my journey in this physical realm will not last forever. May I always remember the words of your servant David who said, “Man is like a mere breath; his days are like a passing shadow” (Ps. 144:4). Help me then Lord, to prepare for my death. May I plan, not with some morbid gloom or despondency, but for the happy day that I will be “gathered to my people.” Give me aid and counsel as I consider the awful finality and separation of the end of life. Fortify my belief, I pray, so that I may not be afraid and overwhelmed by the terribleness of death.

Then, when at last I come to the end of life’s journey and I finally hear that irresistible whisper from the angel of death, “Come, go with me.” Please, oh Lord, draw near to me (Heb. 13:5). As I stand there on the banks of the dread river of death, my prayer precious Lord, is please hold my hand. As I look down into the horrible black waters of that sullen stream, be with me dear God. Strengthen my faith, so when I make that final plunge down into the cold cruel current of death, that I may do so with the steadfast hope, with the firm expectation, with the confident trust, that I will emerge victorious, triumphant and jubilant, safe at last upon the other shore.

Oh Father, what a joy it will be when I finally look and see that great city, the holy Jerusalem, coming down from heaven. The city four square with its jasper walls and its foundation adorned with jewels. That precious city that has the Throne of God and the Lamb. What a blessing it will be as I enter the gates of pearl and walk those streets of gold in that wonderful city where there is no pain, no death and no tears (Rev. 21:4-21). How marvelous, when at last I come to my place of final abode, that mansion prepared for me by my blessed Savior Jesus (John 14:2). What a happy privilege, there to enter in, and hang my sword for-ever on the jasper walls of that celestial city.

Blessed Father, if it be your will and I be permitted to look back into my life’s journey and see the steps I have trod forever fixed in the sands of time, it is my fervent prayer and hope that I may see that, occasionally, if only infrequently, but at least every once in a while, my steps will have fallen into the steps of my blessed Lord and Savior Jesus (1 Pet. 2:21). This is my ardent prayer, oh God, offered humbly and reverently in his blessed name. Amen.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 11 p. 9
June 5, 1997