Have a Target, Brethren

Jimmy Tuten Jr.
Tallmadge, Ohio

I have been told that most salesmen spend three-fourths of their time looking for someone to sell to (prospecting it is called) and only one fourth of their time in actual selling. This shows us how important good prospecting is to the salesmen. However, a salesman is a good prospector only when he "targets prospects, " i.e., he looks for a certain type of individual, one with certain qualifications and needs. He knows that if he talks to anyone else, lie is wasting his time. He tries each day to "target in" only oil those who measure up to his standards. Only then does prospecting pay off.

Our Bible speaks of a wise man winning souls (Prov. 11:30). Furthermore, "they that turn many to righteousness" will shine as stars forever (Dan. 12:3). We keep stressing the importance of soul winning. We do a lot of "prospecting" for prospects. Many seem to have little success and become discouraged. Perhaps we have been spending too much time with people who are long-range prospects, or should not (for the present at least) be considered as prospects at all. We need to seek out "target prospects" and zero on these. We will have a lot more success winning souls to Christ if we seek those who are the most interested in the gospel and convert them. We can always come back to those who show little or no interest. In this way we can turn many more to righteousness.

October 11, 1973