"Teaching Successfully" Series Is Back

Jimmy Tuten, Jr.
Tallmadge, Ohio

A few months ago a series of articles began, entitled: "Teaching Successfully." Eight articles in the series appeared in Truth Magazine. The response to these articles has been good and we are ready to continue writing under this general theme. The frequency of this 'material will be determined by the writer's schedule. Hopefully this will become a regular column.

Restatement of Goals

Recognizing that few teachers have formal training in the area of Bible Class teaching, it is essential that teachers strive to master to some degree the skills of effective teaching. Mastering the art of teaching processes, lesson planning, and the direction of students in the Bible class room affords great personal enjoyment to the teacher. The goal of these articles is to direct brethren by way of instruction in matters that will assist them in the impartation of knowledge relating to the Bible.

Advice and Help

As in the past, future articles will not approach the theme in textbook type of presentation. This writer desires to merely offer advice and help in the essentials of Bible class teaching. Speaking as one Bible class teacher to another, heart-to-heart discussions are always best. No claim is made to originality. We are merely restating in convenient form (sometimes using the writer's privilege of over-statement) a few fundamental truths which have been restated many times in various publications. My only excuse is that with the exception of an occasional article appearing here and there, there has been no presentation of material briefly enough and simply enough for the needs of the masses of brethren. Available works are either too expensive, too technical, or too much over the heads of brethren. Whatever be the faults of these series, I can positively guarantee that every problem discussed is real, every principle dealt with has daily application and every suggestion offered will be one that has been found to work in practice.

Important Position

The Bible places the teacher on a high pedestal. It says, "they that be wise (teachers) shall shine as the brightest of the firmament" (Dan. 12:3). Teachers must improve their positions. They must become more efficient in the presentation of matters relating to Christ, the Bible, the church and general Biblical background information. We are losing too many brethren to Satan!

Millions in our nation under seventeen years of age are not receiving any religious instruction at all. Two out of every three children in America are not enrolled in a Bible Class of any kind. About every fourteen seconds a crime is committed. Within each forty second period someone commits a murder. Think :of the thousands across America who profess membership in the New Testament church who are not receiving Bible class instruction. Thousands of others are attending classes, but enjoying it less. Collectively speaking, teachers hold the destiny of thousands in their grasp. Teachers must learn better methods of imparting Bible knowledge. This can be done in spite of limited helps and so many odds against the Bible class teacher.


No effort will be made to deal with all of the methods of teaching nor to present our material exhaustively. We desire only to help brethren have -a more important concept of his wonderful task. May each of us strive to be better communicators of God's Word. "Do your best to win approval in God's sight, as a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly teaches the message of God's truth" (2 Tim. 2:15, Good News For Modern Man).

Truth Magazine, XVIII:1, p. 11
November 1, 1973