What Does Your Tract Rack Say?

Donald Willis
Conroe, Texas

'The written word is one of the powerful means of reaching those who are lost. Most churches have prominently displayed "track racks" and encourage members to use these aids in reaching the lost; and encourage visitors to take these for further study.

Normally, a tract is an outstanding gospel sermon preached by a sound man on a special subject. Churches would not invite a "liberal" preacher to conduct a gospel meeting; therefore, why would they fill the Track Rack with. "liberal tracts,"

"You are our epistle, known and read of all men" (2 Cor. 3:2). And, the track rack publishes that the church endorses these materials. One would not say these materials could not be used . . . but most of these materials could be purchased from preachers who are sound on the organization and work of the church. The church would not be leaving the impression that it approves the destructive conclusions that some of the men have accepted.

Another danger is seen in the use of liberal class literature which has already spawned an apostasy, Faithful brethren have some good series of literature and churches should avail themselves of it's use.

Contact Truth Magazine Bookstore (Box 403, Marion, Indiana 46952) and secure a list of the tracts published by our faithful brethren. Use the tracts in. reaching the lost! Then, when Brother _______ comes to town, he will be known as faithful, and saints will welcome the opportunity to hear him.

Truth Magazine XX: 27, p. 418
July 8, 1976