Sarah called Him Lord -- a Sequel

Keith Ward
Gibson City, Illinois

I moved to Gibson City in July. Since several statements were outdated and I had made further study, I revised "Sarah Called Him Lord" (November 20, 1975). Unfortunately, the unrevised manuscript was published before I posted the revision. Here are some of the major ideas I added. I am sorry that many of the minor modifications cannot be included--they added much to the impact of "Sarah Called Him Lord." The effectiveness of the women's class continues in Gibson City and participation is greater with 15 ladies attending Monday night classes out of a congregation with a Sunday attendance of 55.

Eph. 5:28-29 teaches husbands should love their wives as their own flesh. Often we fail to consider the implications of this ideal. The following is only one example. Man provides the physical needs as his responsibility to the family. Woman cares for the home (Note: home, not house). If you are sick, you stay home from work. If your illness excuses you from the responsibilities God laid upon you, then why, oh double minded man, do you insist your sick wife continue hers? She must still get the children to school, fix your meals, and listen to you gripe if the house is not in order. Hypocrite! If you were as sick you would lie around and groan all day. To be right before God you must either go to work even though you are sick, or excuse her from her duties when she is sick. Fix your own meals and hers, do the dishes and care for the children. God teaches this when He commands, "Love each one his own wife even as himself." Which command may we ignore with impunity? Be baptized or love your wife as yourself? Tend the flock which is among you? Or, nourish and cherish your wife? Many Christian men sin and will go to hell for their abuse of subjection.

Subjection does not mean a woman is inferior-no more than Christ became inferior when He subjected himself to God (1 Cor. 11:3). We must consider our complementing roles as husband and wife and strive to meet God's high standard. Failure to do so is no less sin than instrumental music or the Herald of Truth.

Truth Magazine, XX:13, p. 2
March 25, 1976