Why A War Was Lost

Leslie Diestelkamp
Palatine, Illinois

Many years ago while visiting in a public library in London, England, I read Sir Winston Churchill's account of the American Revolution. He declared that he believed the colonies deserved to win the war - that it was good that they gained their freedom. However, he also believed that those struggling colonies only won because of a lack of sustained action by the British Generals. In other words, he referred to the well-known fact that the British had w,~n significant victories, but that they then failed to press oh to utilize their advantage. He insisted that if the British generals would have pressed on after victory to further victories, they could have overcome the American revolutionaries.

Perhaps God's faithful people everywhere need to learn a lesson from Mr. Churchill's words. All over the World, when scriptural battles are fought, some significant victories are won in spiritual warfare. But perhaps we often fail to press forward with a sufficiently sustained drive. Consequently, we may win a battle and lose a war in efforts in behalf of a pure church.

Change of Tactics

In the last two decades the more liberal brethren have learned that it does not pay for them to engage in a fair and open confrontation with the opponents of their promotions. So they have usually changed their tactics. This has recently become evident in some of the very fruitful fields of the world, especially those outside the United States. The new tactics include emphasis upon love, peace, unity, and if none of those, then at least toleration.

Some faithful brethren who formerly fought hard for truth and righteousness may have been lulled to sleep. At least they may have failed to press forward "from victory unto victory," as the familiar song suggests. But, if today false doctrine and/or unscriptural activity are hidden beneath the umbrella of pious appeals for love, peace, unity and toleration, then tomorrow we may awaken to find that victories that were won have been wasted and other greater victories that were available to God's faithful people have vanished.

When defeat seems imminent in this spiritual warfare, we must say, "The battle is the Lord's" and go forward into the fray with vigor. And when victory seems to have come in such spiritual conflicts, we must not relax in past' accomplishments, but we must keep "the sword of the Spirit" constantly in hand and in use to bring about the greatest possible victory for the cause of Christ.

Truth Magazine XXIII: 14, p. 230
April 5, 1979