Saved By Faith Only?

Roy S. Fudge
Selma, Alabama

I have before me an eight page paper .written, by my nephew, Edward Fudge, entitled 4 Gospel Slogans. A few years ago I talked to Edward and told him I was considering writing some articles about his teaching. I wanted to talk with him before I went into print. He has never had time to talk with me when we have been together: After reading this paper, I feel I must write in answer to it.

He states, "The reformers therefore insisted on - solely by grace - and took their stand with Paul." The reader is referred to Rom. 4:4; 11:16 in which Paul says nothing about grace only. Paul is here talking of works and grace. He simply states that if one works and merits salvation as a result of his work, it is not grace. James says a man is justified by works (Jas. 2:24). Shall we follow Martin Luther and throw James out of the Bible?

Under "Solely by Faith" it is stated, "Because the work that accomplished salvation and reconciled us to God was done solely in the representative life and death of Jesus, it is a finished work." "We cannot contribute anything to it. We can do nothing to make it more acceptable than it has already been declared to be by Christ's resurrection. We can do nothing to make it more certain than it already is seen to be in Christ at God's right hand. Because it is done, we cannot do it, whether by climbing as high as heaven or stooping as low as hell. We can only confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God has raised Him from dead -and be counted righteous and saved. Or we can refuse to believe and continue under judgment." We see from the above statements that Ed is teaching salvation by faith only, without man doing anything is taught. I heard Roy Osborne a few years ago teach this doctrine. It is not in the Bible and is, therefore, a doctrine of demons. Again, it is stated, "God pronounces the sinner righteous on the principle of faith, and that alone, but the faith that justifies never remains alone! The gospel is not `faith plus works' (Rom. 3:4, 5) it is not `faith without works' (Jas. 2:20) It is `faith which works' (Gal. 5:6)." If "I by my works show you my faith," is not faith plus works, I cannot understand plain English language.

Again on page four we read, "In the works that accomplished salvation there is no such thing as God's part and man's part." In Acts 2, we see from Peter's sermon that God had a part in man's salvation which he had already done and then man was told he must do something in order to be saved. They believed as they were pricked in the heart and cried out "what shall we do?" They were told to repent and-be baptized for the remission of sins. They were -not yet saved although God had done His part and they had believed.

On page seven we read, "Gospel baptism is the response of faith to the good news that in the representative person of Jesus Christ, God has saved us already." So then you have. it in so many words that man is saved by faith only and that before baptism. Baptism saves us from this crooked generation according to this paper. It does not matter that the Word of God says it is for remission of sins or to wash away sins, that was done when one believes. Will you accept God's word or the word of. man?

This paper closes with the following statement, "Let us pray that God will grant us grace to believe all that He has promised, obey all He has commanded, arid rejoice in the salvation that He alone has accomplished .through Christ alone, to be received by faith alone as testified in scripture alone." As a child of God I cannot pray for that which is not in accord with God's will. as revealed in His word. Salvation comes by nothing alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4).

Truth Magazine XXIII: 30, p. 482
August 2, 1979