Have Ye Not Read?

Hoyt Houchen
Aurora, Colorado

Question: What chance does a person (a man) have of going to heaven who cannot talk? I had an operation several years ago and lost my voice. I would like to have you comment on this.

Reply: There is no reason why you cannot go to heaven like anyone else. The matter of going to heaven is not dependent upon soundness of body. Being blind, deaf and/or mute will not keep one from going to heaven. Whatever one's physical condition may be, if he has obeyed the gospel and is living and worshiping as God directs in His Word, this is what counts.

Paul was afflicted with a "thorn in the flesh" (2 Cor. 12:7). What this affliction was, we do not know, nevertheless, Paul was a faithful .preacher and servant of God, in spite of his handicap. God provided him strength (v. 9) to accomplish what he was able to do (Phil. 4:13). Any Christian, whether handicapped or not, should determine to do the very best possible service to the Lord.

There is much that you can do, even though you are not able to speak. You can point to the Scriptures as you are teaching others, you can write down passages for others to read, you can distribute Bible tracts and you can give out printed invitations to services and gospel meetings, to mention a few things. You have great opportunities, other than speaking, to lead precious souls to Christ. You need not be concerned about going to heaven simply because you have lost your voice.

Guardian of Truth XXVII: 6, p. 199
April 7, 1983