Millennial Miscalculations: How Many Comings Of Christ?

Dudley Ross Spars
Alvaton, Kentucky

The Hebrew writer mentions the second coming of Christ in Hebrews 9:28. We know that He came the first time when He was born to the virgin in Bethlehem (Matt. 2:1). But when I read the millennial books, I get confused as to the number of comings the Lord will make to this planet. For example, they all agree that He came the first time at His birth. But here in the rub. They have a "secret" coming of the Lord "for" His saints, and they label this the "secret rapture." But, after the seven glorious years of the rapture, they have the Lord coming back again to stop the great global war they imagine will be in progress, and to set up the millennial kingdom. Count them, please - I get three trips for Christ - not just two.

But that is no more confusing than the direction the millennialists think the Lord will be going when He comes. They think the term "come" always means from Heaven to earth. However, Daniel saw a vision one night when the "one like a son of man came to the ancient of Days" and there a kingdom of everlasting duration was given to Him (Dan. 7:13,14). But, alas, the millennialists think that He really did not get that kingdom then, only the privilege of coming back to earth and setting it up. You see how confusing this speculation gets?

Guardian of Truth XXVIII: 3, p. 82
February 2, 1984