
Great Losses

The summer has claimed the lives of two beloved disciples of the Lord. Loraine Cogdill, wife of Roy Cogdill, outstanding preacher of the Gospel, passed from this life after an extended period of serious illness. We extend our sympathy to Bro. Cogdill upon the loss of his faithful and beloved companion.

News of the death of W. Curtis Porter has just been received. The following announcement written by Grover Stevens of St. Louis, Mo. appeared in the bulletin of the Spring & Blaine St. church of that citt.

Bro. Curtis Porter died Tuesday afternoon July 5, 1960 in the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Funeral services are to be conducted on Thursday, July 7th at Monette, Ark.

Bro. Porter endeared himself to the members of this congregation while preaching in a meeting here during May. This was the last meeting that he held.

Bro. Porter has suffered from a rare and deadly blood disease since 1942. His doctors then gave him only 2 years to live. He gave up work with the 10th and Rockford church in Tulsa, Oklahoma and moved back to his home in Monette, Arkansas. Then came the discovery of the Atomic bomb and the development of atomic isotopes for medical treatment. Bro. Porter was one of the first to receive this treatment. He submitted himself as a sort of "guinea pig" to a doctor at the University of California. For several years these treatments were quite successful and he was able to carry on a rather full schedule of work. Then sometime last year his condition reversed itself and leukemia developed. Then several other complications set in. When bro. Porter was here in the meeting he was plagued with all this. After 5 days of the meeting he had to enter the hospital for blood and treatment. Shortly after returning home still other complications set in, including hemorrhaging in the area of the sinus. Finally death came as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Bro. Porter had one of the keenest minds of anyone in this generation. He had a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a rare ability to preach it in a most interesting and superbly simple way. These qualities also made him one of the ablest defenders of the faith in controversy. He was called from all over the nation to come and defend the truth against all comers, and he always did so in a remarkable way.

His life and works have made him an inspiration to thousands. Many preachers have been informed and inspired to stand for the truth thru his work, and many more will yet. He has been all of this to me, and more. Truly a great soldier in Israel has fallen. Our sympathy goes to Mary, his beloved wife, and to others of the family.

The Editor's Travels

Though not as adventurous as those of Gulliver, my travels have been profitable to me and I hope to others also.

Youngstown, Ohio

The meeting with the Southside church in Youngstown has left a real and lasting impression upon me for future benefit. This small group of disciples has become an inspiration to me. Though small in number their energy and enthusiasm dwarf that of many congregations large in number. Their field is indeed difficult. Youngstown is a strong center of Catholocism. Their progress has been slow, but their spirit has not been broken. They are deserving of prayers and support from an interested brotherhood.

Poteau, Oklahoma . .

The church in Poteau is scripturally "on the march." William E. Wallace is the capable evangelist now working with the South Front Street church in that eastern Oklahoma town. He labors with brethren sound in the faith, and ready to work the works of God. It was a real pleasure to be with them in a meeting I look forward to hearing from time to time of their continued growth.

Longview, Texas

At this writing I am preparing to begin a meeting with the Judson Rd. church of Christ in Longview, Texas. Longview is the town of my boyhood life. I was born here, and lived here until ready to enter high school. As far back as I can remember I attended the services of the church in this city. Now there are three churches in Longview. Two of them endorse and support institutions and unscriptural co-operatives. People that have known me all my life will not hear me in this meeting because of the extreme bitterness resulting from our differences. This condition makes me sad, but I am confident that Jesus is hurt more than any of us over conditions that are now present.

My father works and worships with this church. During the two years of its existence much good has been accomplished. Membership has increased markedly. I look forward with a hope for good during the meeting I am about to begin here.

Home Again,-away Again

I am already anxious to get back home to Aurora. The love of friends and brethren is greatly emphasized by such long periods of separation. My home stay will be brief, however, and after two weeks I will leave for the great state of California for another series of gospel meetings. This will be my first trip to the west coast. I am anxious to see that area, and to work with the faithful brethren there. I hope to have good things to report to you about the West in the next issue of TRUTH Magazine.

Many Thanks to My Coworker

Donald Ames is now my co-worker. We both work with the church in Aurora. He is also working as Business Manager for the magazine. His performance of this work has been of great assistance to me and has enabled me to spend so much time away from my desk. He is a most capable co-worker and one who is willing to carry more than his share of the load. TRUTH Magazine is indeed fortunate to have his assistance.

Truth Magazine IV: 11, pp. 2-3
August 1960