Bobby Holmes, "Circuit Rider"

Leo Henry

A Christian is a unique individual. Bobby Holmes is a unique Christian evangelist, on the order of Titus 2:7-8. Bobby is spending February, March, and April (five meeting sites) in the state of Oregon. Between the months of May through November 1997, Bobby's circuit takes him throughout the state of Washington and northern Idaho (seven meeting sites); then he crisscrosses the international border between Canada and Montana (four meeting sites); then on to Wyoming, Idaho, and Wisconsin (three meeting sites); next on to Ohio, West Virginia, and Mississippi (three meeting sites), and ends up in Texas and Alabama (three meeting sites). If you can read this descriptive sentence, not stopping to breathe, you have good respiration. Bobby's preaching and teaching travels span ten months and five days, and cover 12,000 plus miles.

The term "circuit ride?' is a familiar term. Bobby Holmes is a true modern day "circuit rider." We coordinated his Oregon appointments. Bobby had never preached in the northwestern United States. He explained he would speak wherever the whole counsel of God could be preached with openness and candor. Oh yes! Priority was to be given to small or new congregations, or to congregations who seriously desire to better understand God's word. Bobby was presented as a faithful gospel preacher to this area. He has fully filled our representation of him in this capacity.

Bobby traveled 2000 miles by motor vehicle before preaching his first sermon in Oregon. He purchased his coach and car-trailer for this trip with his life's savings. Joann, his faithful and loving wife, and sister Sally Lee, Joann's sister, accompany and support him. With his personal sacrifice and a modicum of support good brethren have provided, Christ's gospel is being preached by

Bobby Holmes to a broad spectrum of Christian needs in this area. Bobby did not delay teaching God's word until he arrived in Oregon. In Yuma, Arizona his coach broke down; one of his unexpected added costs. In God's providence, a gentle-man from Lebanon, Oregon, was having his RV repaired at the same shop. This lost soul became interested in the gospel through Bobby's kind yet bold account of the Savior. Bobby and his new friend traveled different routes to Oregon, but the stranger and his wife came to all but one of Bobby's first series of meetings in Corvallis, Oregon. The couple are now entering a study of tape presentations of the gospel. They have plans to attend Bobby's third meeting here at Wilsonville; a round-trip for them of 130 miles. Two were baptized in Bobby's first meeting.

Bobby's second site was at Oregon's oldest incorporated Church of Christ at Mollala, Oregon. Over the years this congregation has been swept to and fro by the winds of doctrine. The congregation canceled a potluck in their building in deference to Bobby's position on eating in the building. Presently there are some seeking the truth at Mollala, and thus Bobby's opportunity. Five members of this liberal congregation have asked for Bobby's sermon outline on "What is a Liberal." They appear interested in further teaching.

Five families make up the Wilsonville, Oregon church of Christ. We first assembled January 19, 1997. Our gospel meeting with Bobby was March 9-14; the theme, "Marriage and the Family." Besides Bobby's preaching, Wilsonville has asked for classes on important issues in our area; e.g., Lord's Supper, p.m.; Romans 14, indifference or doctrine; and fellowship per 1 John 1:3ff.

Christian integrity is Bobby Holmes' hallmark. He stands for the truth and he confronts the devil when men present error. He "stands firm." Hold up his hands. Pray for brother Bobby and his loyal companions on their "circuit." Thank you, to all who support this ambassador for the Lord in his travels and labor. We will do all we can, and we invite you to do the same. God bless.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 10 p. 16
April May 1, 1997