Editorial Left-Overs

Connie W. Adams
Is Ugly In?
If “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” there is a discrepancy these days as to what constitutes “beauty.” For instance, have you ever wondered if the designers of fashion for women are really anti-women? With all that modern science has devised to enhance appearance, whence comes the clubby looking shoes? Or hair styles which either look like one has just emerged from walking through a car wash or else having shorn and shaved the head, with perhaps a small tuft standing like bristles and dyed purple? Or dresses that hang like sacks? Or the determined, long strides of women with every trace of feminine charm and grace absent? And what of the slouchy look for men? Long hair either in a pony tail or else stringing down the back? Or baggy jeans eighteen sizes too big with the straddle hanging down to the knees? Or pants legs tight around the ankles and laying in a pile over the shoe tops? Is there some competition among the designers and merchants to make the human race look ridiculous? We used to wear strange looking get-ups for comic effect on the stage. They would not get a snicker these days. But then, Solomon said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there in no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). On second thought, those of us who sound off on such items as I have, might well withhold from our children and grandchildren pictures of our own younger days. “Do not say, Why were the former days better than these? For you do not inquire wisely concerning this” (Eccl. 7:10, NKJV).

The Wonder of Our Times
It is all too easy to dwell on the threats and problems of our times. There are plenty of these to go around. But there is a brighter side to it. Six days ago I had a cataract removed from my left eye. This morning my doctor told me I could go on about my business as before except for heavy lifting. What a marvelous thing this is. They started the procedure (that sounds so much nicer than operation) at 9 a.m. and I was back home at 10:30 a.m. They had removed the cataract, done an implant and I have the best sight in that eye I have had since childhood. What a difference this was to 30 years ago when I had a cataract removed from my right eye (they were not doing implants then, at least on people as young as I was then). I was in the hospital ten days, could not get out of bed, had to lie flat on my back and was greatly restricted when I came home. When I count my blessings, you can be sure I will include among them greatly improved technology for eye surgery. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18).

Six Days
In the statement of the Ten Commandments, after requiring Israel to keep the Sabbath, Moses penned these words “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Exod. 20:11). Please notice what God did in six days. He made the heavens, earth, and sea and “all that is in them.” Whatever galaxies grace the sky and mystify man, whatever is in the earth and sea, animate and inanimate, was made in six days. That is a straightup statement of fact. What agenda prompts men who say they believe the Bible to expand that to 4.5 billion years for the earth and 15-20 billion years for the universe? Must we reinterpret the Bible to fit the ever-changing guesses of men of science who have decided that miracles are impossible, and since the Bible account of creation requires the miraculous, therefore that is beyond belief? But, we are told, we must consider God’s two revelations of himself in both the Bible and the world of nature. But the attempt to interpret the written revelation by the natural revelation is backwards. When a brother, who ought to know better, argues that the days of creation week must be ages of time, we need to cock both eyes at him, regardless of where he teaches school and how exciting a speaker he may be.

A Great And Gracious Lady
It was with sadness that we learned of the death of Elizabeth Nosker of Richmond, Virginia. For nearly 60 years she was the wife of John L. Nosker who has preached since he was in the U.S. Army during World War II and for many years has served as an elder at the West End congregation in Richmond. John and Elizabeth delayed their marriage for several years until he felt he was prepared financially to support a wife who would be a homemaker and mother. While unpretentious, she was a woman of grace and impeccable taste. This was reflected in her home, her appearance, and her conduct. Above all that, she was completely devout. Long after many others would have given up trying to attend worship, she persisted. Strokes and other ailments managed to slow her down, but not stop her. She was devoted to her Lord, her husband, their daughter, Holly, and their grandchildren.

She was a source of great encouragement to gospel preachers many of whom were guests in their home. She was a good listener and usually found something to commend from the sermon or Bible class. She was a model of modesty. Younger women would do well to emulate her worthy example.

John and Elizabeth Nosker have meant a great deal to me and to my family. John has spoken at the funeral services of nine family members. I was fourteen years old when I first met him and he did much to encourage me when I began trying to preach at the age of fifteen. Modern culture has done much to pervert and corrupt the roles of godly women who are faithful to the Lord under all circumstances. The memory of this dear sister is precious and my own life has been greatly enriched because her life touched mine. May the arms of divine love encircle John and their daughter, Holly, and shelter them from the loneliness such a loss produces.

For the last few years Bobby and I have gone overseas in the winter to do what we could to help the work in several countries where we had been invited. This year, we plan to stay home. I will teach some classes at Manslick Road in Louisville and will present a Sunday night series of sermons requested by the elders here. It is a joy to work with this church along with Frank Himmel. Frank’s work is of the highest quality. He and Sandy (his wife) are a great blessing to this church and to us personally. It is always a treat to hear him when we are home between meetings. He is also to teach a class each Tuesday night in January and February. Winter has long been a favorite time for me. I am one of those who loves to watch the snow fall and who relishes a warm fire in the fireplace. They tell us tonight (November 29) will be the coldest night thus far and I already have a fire laid ready for a match when supper (dinner to those of you more sophisticated) is over. Right now, March, and the start of another round of meetings seems far away. But I’ll think of that tomorrow.

We wish for all our readers a joyous and profitable year of 2000 most especially from a spiritual perspective.

Box 69, Brooks, Kentucky 40109
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 2 p3 January 20, 2000