Were You Scripturally Baptized?

Mel Myers
Indianapolis, Indiana

This is a question that should be considered carefully. Today, we have many in the world who have not been baptized according to the Lord's command, and thus have been led to believe they are a member of His Divine Institution, the Church. There are many in the church of Christ who have asked about their Baptism. They are concerned with the destiny of their soul. And they should be. Some have been baptized in order to qualify themselves to become a member of some organization that the Lord knows nothing about, because He did not have anything to do with establishing it. In fact, the trend today seems to be as long as you were baptized, you are all right and are a member of the Lord's Body.

Then many times, years later, they become concerned about their baptism whether or not the Lord really added them to His Church. In this article I intend to deal with the teachings of the Apostles in their preaching the Gospel, showing that teaching is important, and this way and this way only makes one's baptism scriptural.

When Paul wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus, he said, "There is ONE BAPTISM." (Eph. 4:5.) What kind of baptism did the Apostle have in mind when he penned these words? It is agreed that this ONE BAPTISM WAS WATER BAPTISM, and that it must be ministered scripturally to make one a Christian, a follower of Christ, and remit one's sins and ADD one to the Church.

The Lord, upon giving the authority to His followers, expressed the need to teach them first. In Matt. 28:19,20 his words were "GO YE THEREFORE AND TEACH ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Again in Mark 16: 15,16 He said "Go ye into all the world, and Preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth NOT, shall be dammed."

Today, we have a lot of mix-taught people in the world, and although they have been baptized (even immersed), the purpose of baptism has been converted into a shameful representation for the divine command of God. Thus it becomes void.

I am determined to teach as the Lord gives the authority, and I cannot accept the fact that one can BE TAUGHT WRONG AND BAPTIZED RIGHT. When one is Scripturally taught, he will understand what baptism is for and what happens when he is baptized according to the New Testament. When one is rightly taught, He will be baptized for a number of purposes.

1. For the remission of sins (having repented of them). (Acts 2:38.)

2. He will be added to the right and ONLY CHURCH. (Acts 2:41, 47.)

3. He will arise from the water a Christian, a Child of God.

4. He will be a new creature, IN CHRIST (Rom. 6:1-4.)

5. He will have hope of life Eternal, if faithful until death. (Rev. 2:10; Matt. 24: 13.)

We cannot join this body, the church. The Lord does the adding, when we have properly obeyed His Gospel.

Many deceived persons today are baptized, thinking and confessing that their sins have already been forgiven. Thus making baptism non-essential and only for the purpose of entering some man made denomination. THE NEW TESTAMENT GIVES NO SUCH DESIGN FOR BAPTISM. One can read the record in Acts chapter 8, concerning the conversion of the Eunuch, and see that he had to be taught right that he might be baptized right. He was taught by an inspired teacher, Philip, and was taught the reason for being baptized, because he asked what hindered him to be baptized, in vs. 36. If we are taught by the Apostles, we will have nothing to worry about. This man after being taught right, was a subject of baptism, and not before. No one can find a SAVED PERSON BEING BAPTIZED, and no one can PRODUCE AN ACCOUNT OF AN UNBAPTIZED SAVED MAN! Thus, we ask you dear reader, are you willing to take a chance on your baptism? Are you willing to stand before Christ in judgment and take a chance of NOT being baptized scripturally, thus not being added to the Lord's church, thus standing as ETERNALLY LOST? Is it worth a chance, when the Gospel is being taught and is so simple and so sure?

It has been said that those who were baptized in water, no matter what they have joined, are Christians and should be accepted into the Lord's Body as such. But it seems to me that if this is true, then the ONE GOSPEL, the ONE FAITH, the ONE CHURCH, the ONE WAY, has been classed as being unimportant in the teaching of God's word, and the way one is baptized is not essential to one's salvation. Subjects of the ONE BAPTISM must have been taught THE GOSPEL, BELIEVED IT, REPENTED OF THEIR SINS, and CONFESSED THEIR FAITH IN JESUS. (Matt. 28:19; Mk.16:16; Acts 2:38; 8:37, Acts 17:30; Rom. 10:10.) Because of these teachings, one is baptized right, and is a member of the right church.

Now, if you were sprinkled as a baby, you WERE NOT SCRIPTURALLY BAPTIZED! Why not? Because you were miss-taught, otherwise you would have been buried in the waters of baptism. (Rom. 6: 1-4. the Apostles, we will have nothing to worry about. This man after being taught right, was a subject of baptism, and not before. No one can find a SAVED PERSON BEING BAPTIZED, and no one can PRODUCE AN ACCOUNT OF AN UNBAPTIZED SAVED MAN! Thus, we ask you dear reader, are you willing to take a chance on your baptism? Are you willing to stand before Christ in judgment and take a chance of NOT being baptized scripturally, thus not being added to the Lord's church, thus standing as ETERNALLY LOST? Is it worth a chance, when the Gospel is being taught and is so simple and so sure?

It has been said that those who were baptized in water, no matter what they have joined, are Christians and should be accepted into the Lord's Body as such. But it seems to me that if this is true, then the ONE GOSPEL, the ONE FAITH, the ONE CHURCH, the ONE WAY, has been classed as being unimportant in the teaching of God's word, and the way one is baptized is not essential to one's salvation. Subjects of the ONE BAPTISM must have been taught THE GOSPEL, BELIEVED IT, REPENTED OF THEIR SINS, and CONFESSED THEIR FAITH IN JESUS. (Matt. 28:19; Mk.16:16; Acts 2:38; 8:37, Acts 17:30; Rom. 10:10.) Because of these teachings, one is baptized right, and is a member of the right church.

Now, if you were sprinkled as a baby, you WERE NOT SCRIPTURALLY BAPTIZED! Why not? Because you were mix-taught, otherwise you would have been buried in the waters of baptism. (Rom. 6: 1-4.) If you were not immersed, you were not baptized, no matter how old you were! If you were baptized and then became a member of an organization not heard of in the New Testament, one that you cannot read about, you were not baptized Scripturally. May I add too, that NO ONE has the authority to say you can be accepted into the Church of Christ having been baptized, and having been mis - taught. I do say one may be taught right and then be baptized right, even though previously "baptized."

But why take a chance? Even if you have been added to the Lord's church and were taught wrong, all you will be doing is getting wet. But on the other hand, if you haven't been added to the church because of having beers mix-taught, IT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD when you stand in judgment!

As long as this world stands, and every day you live, you still have an opportunity to be taught right, and baptized right. Don't let it pass by. DO NOT BE MISLED--On my desk I have a leaflet with the words to this effect, and I quote: "THE SIMPLE PLAN OF SALVATION IS: YOU ARE A SINNER: BECAUSE YOU ARE A SINNER, YOU MUST DIE OR ELSE BELIEVE ON CHRIST WHO WAS YOUR SUBSTITUTE AND DIED IN YOUR PLACE. JUST CALL UPON GOD AND LIVE, REALIZING YOU ARE A SINNER AND ASK HIM TO HAVE MERCY UPON YOU AND SAVE YOU FOR JESUS' SAKE. Then just take Limit His word and by Faith, Claim Salvation. You say, Surely that is not all that is necessary to be saved. YES, IT IS ABSOLUTELY ALL." -- UNQUOTE. This is being misled, falsely taught mix-taught and anyone that accepts this teaching has accepted false teaching that is contrary to every teaching in the New Testament in respect to the alien sinner. But this is no worse than accepting false teaching of any kind and being baptized because of having been mix-taught and having been worshiping God in a way unpleasing and un-acceptable to Him.

Perhaps some will say this fellow is narrow-minded. I do not deny this in the least. The New Testament is narrow, the teachings are narrow, just ONE WAY is taught in the Word of God, and I want to be in that WAY and be classed with the few that will see inside of the GATES of Heaven. This, my friends, is the very reason you should be interested in your soul and YOUR BAPTISM! Read Matt. 7:13,14.

Why not seek out a gospel preacher today, and be sure of your being taught right and baptized right.

Truth Magazine VII: 1, pp. 8-9
October 1962