Church Listing Service

In the July issue TRUTH MAGAZINE we began to publish a series of listings of conservative churches in strategic areas for the benefit of traveling brethren.

Almost all members of the church have at one time or another had the frustrating experience of being unable to locate a church of the Lord while traveling. This is most frequently due to our not knowing the address of the meeting place of the disciples. Occasionally one will not even know whether there is a church in a given location. A few years ago, brethren were frequently sent to the meetinghouses of such sectarian bodies as the so-called "Holiness churches." Today, conservative brethren face the additional~ problem of being directed to groups which have long since abandoned a "Thus saith the Lord" for their religious practices. We feel that there are those conscientious and conservative brethren who will not wish to worship and contribute where their contribution may be used for the purchase of recreational facilities, supplies for craft classes, or donations to the various unscriptural organizations or co-operative arrangements "among us."

We encourage this only as a means of assisting conscientious brethren who may be particular about where they worship. We emphasize that those smaller churches which may feel they can ill afford such an ad are the very ones which are often most difficult to locate. We are particularly desirous of listing those churches to be found in areas where the conservative cause is weak either numerically, or by percentage.

There are other commendable features of TRUTH MAGAZINE'S listing service. For example: (1) All listings will appear in each issue of the magazine. This will insure that any issue of the magazine will be an issue that will contain your listings. (2) We will send one free subscription to any church, which uses the listing service. We feel that you are entitled to and would like to see what your ad looks like each month. (3) Finally, the cost will be nominal, only $3.00 per month.

We urge you to send in your listing today. Write to TRUTH MAGAZINE, Box 7245, Akron 6, Ohio. We will bill you monthly.

Truth Magazine VII: 11, pp. 14
August 1963