"What is an Anti?"

J. Frank Ingram
Cincinnati 42, Ohio

Is it good? Is it bad? Is it a freak? Is it a disease of some sort or what? Presently, the word "anti," is being used quite often by members of the church in reference to some of their own brethren in the Lord, without knowing what the word means or implies, rightfully or wrongfully. In this short article, I hope to help the thinking of those who are uninformed or confused.

The word, "anti" means against or opposed to something. Consequently every Christian must be "anti--division," "anti--instrumental music," "anti-sin," "anti-innovations" (i. e. additions, subtractions to the word of the Lord, the work and worship of God's people etc.).

Jesus was opposed to many things among the people of his day and his word constantly strikes out against many things that ought not to be. One might say, in an unkind manner, "he was just another 'anti.'"

The Lord ordained the church a spiritual institution and she continued that way for many years. Today, many have turned congregations into nothing more than a social club turning buildings into entertainment houses which were built with the Lord's money for the purpose of worship and the teaching of God's word. Some buildings are equipped with completely furnished kitchens, dining tables, recreation halls, shuffle board courts, ping pong tables and the like). For one to object to such doings, he is called an "anti," and should be glad he is. Many preachers (so-called) in the church are indicating they are "anti-gospel preaching." While they are so liberal in other areas, they are substituting story-telling lessons for gospel lessons. I am glad to report I am "anti" this sort of thing in the pulpit. Many still need to be told what to do to be saved through the use of God's word. It alone is sufficient (2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Psa. 19:7).

There are many preachers today who are no more than politicians, promoters, and pastors over picnics, parties, pageants, popular pleasures and who give endorsement (approval) to every scheme and idea which comes along. We should be able to see that men like this are similar to the prophets of Baal, when they ought to be like Elijah of old, and more recently, like evangelists of the New Testament.

There are many people, some sincere, some who are not, in the church today who have taken the word "anti" and are using it in the ways of Satan to destroy the reputation and influence of good churches, faithful elders, and sound preachers. Just to say a man is an "anti" doesn't prove a thing unless what he teaches and practices is unscriptural. Those who use this term to mark those who oppose them, seek to blind the minds of others, as did the Pharisees of old, through prejudice. Remember that Jesus was more of an "anti" than anyone else could hope to be. Christ needs living and active voices now, to cry out against these departures and innovations in our times. There are many who are doing this and more are coming. Friends, this word "anti" is a prejudicial term designed to blind the uninformed.

The church of Christ that meets regularly at 4667 Cooper Rd. in Blue Ash, Ohio is an "anti" church, as in many areas, only in the sense we stand squarely against every innovation and departure from the Bible. We are "anti" everything the Lord is "anti" or against. But if the term is used to imply we are ''anti'' (against) the work of the Lord in teaching God's word to the end of edifying the church etc., or benevolence, it is false and it is likewise true with those who are called "anti" elsewhere. We will, as we have, teach God's word, and practice scriptural benevolence, BUT in a way that IS in harmony with God's law.

With the love of God from a pure heart (1 Cor. 13) we must be firm in the proclamation of God's truth to have a firm body of Christians. We can no longer dilly-dally around with error and those who arise among us teaching error. I plead with you dear readers, to consider the above and when you have strong convictions, you will realize that sin among the brethren cannot be overlooked anymore than those of denominationalism. If we go to heaven we'll have to be an "anti." Oh Lord, help us to hold forth the truth and stand firmly against error of all kinds. Amen.

Truth Magazine VIII: 11, p. 24 August 1964