Do You Curse Without Realizing It?

By Donald Townsley

Many good members of the church who would not think of using the vile gutter language of the man of the world, will turn right around and use the euphemistic form of the same words and think nothing of it. Christians need to realize that they will give account for their words, thoughts, and actions. The Lord said in Matthew 12:36: “But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”

Following is a list of some of the words many members of the church use without thinking anything of it, but which are euphemisms (softened forms of a word or phrase that is considered less offensive) of the “real thing.”

1. “Blamed” — “damned” — a euphemism (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary).

2. “Darn” — a euphemism for “damn” (the curse). (Funk & Wagnall’s Dict. of the American Language).

3. “Dickens” — “the devil” (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictio ary).

4. “What the Deuce” — “deuce” means “devil” (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary).

5. “Dog-gone” or “doggoned” — A euphemism for “God-damn” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

6. “Gee” — a minced oath: “Jesus” (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary); a euphemistic contraction of “Jesus” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

7. “Golly” — a euphemism for “God” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

8. “Gosh” — a minced oath, used as a substitute for “God” (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary); a euphemism for “God” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

9. “Heck” used euphemistically for “hell” (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary); a euphemism for “hell” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

10. “Goodness” or “For Goodness Sake” — a euphemism for “God” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

11. “Blasted” — “damned” (Webster’s New World Dic tionary of the American Language).

12. “Confounded” — “damned”; a mild oath (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language).

Brother and sister, don’t use words that you don’t know the meaning of. If you do, you may find yourself cursing without realizing it!