Evidences: Order of the Universe

By Harry R. Osborne

Over the past several issues, we have discussed the popular idea in many circles that our world is the result of chance, not of divine creation. Some boldly claim that the only scientific view of the origin of this world is the combination of two theories: (1) the “Big Bang” theory which says the universe is the random result of a huge explosion several billion years ago and (2) the general theory of evolution which claims that all life forms on earth developed by chance from one single-celled organism which came to life from non-living matter.

Despite the attempt by some proponents of the above theories to portray them as established fact, neither theory has been proven. In fact, each has a number of insurmountable problems in it. Last week, we noted an admission from one of the proponents of the general theory of evolution that the whole theory rests on seven major assumptions  none of which has been proven. We could notice the same thing from every major area of study relating to these theories.

Within my library, I have statements from the top geologists and paleontologists of our day admitting that the fossil record does not prove the general theory of evolution. Name an animal in existence today and I will find you a statement from an expert who says its origin is not known. When the experts admit that they cannot state with any confidence the origins of present life forms nor show us the intermediate forms through which one major life form in the past changed to produce another present life form, it is fraud to say the theory is a proven fact.

There are, however, some facts about our world as it exists which strongly suggest that it was created. As we have discussed previously, the presence of design and order implies a designer. This is so with houses, watches, and cars. Why can we not see the same regarding our universe? The evidence of design and order is all around us. Just think about it for a moment.

Our solar system is an example of fantastic order. We can measure the time of the earth’s rotation around the sun with precision and depend upon that as a constant. The same is true regarding the movement of stars, planets, comets and other heavenly bodies. Given that precision, we can predict an eclipse of the sun or moon, the return of a comet, a meteor shower, or any number of other events long in advance with accuracy down to the second. What are the chances of this all falling into place by mere coincidence?

The rotation of the earth around the sum and the earth’s rotation on its axis are exactly right to sustain life. If our planet rotated on its axis a little slower, temperatures in the day would be too hot and too cold during the nights to sustain life. If that rotation were faster, we would have equally grave problems. The speed of the earth’s rotation on its axis is just right to maintain the proper temperature and aid in several factors necessary to sustain life. Then there is the orbit of the earth around the sun to consider. If we were just a little farther from the sun, the earth would be too cold to sustain life. If we were closer, it would be too hot. Besides these things, there is the exacting balance which exists in the gravitational pull and magnetic fields of the earth as a result of these factors. What are the odds of such exact balances being the result of a huge explosion?

Other factors such as the depth of the earth’s crust, the thickness of its atmosphere and the amount of the surface covered by water all exist within the very narrow boundaries necessary to sustain life. The factors needed to sustain the necessary gases within our atmosphere exist in precisely the correct proportions. The more we know about our universe, the more we recognize the marvelous design and order which it demonstrates. Was it all an accident of chance?

Then there is the order and design seen in the animal world. Researchers tell us that a bee is able to communicate the direction and distance of a food source to the other bees by vibrating. Such information is essential for them to sustain existence as an interdependent colony. How did they learn such? How could they have survived to evolve this behavior when such was necessary for their existence? Is it reasonable to assume that such was the result of mere chance?

We are told that eels from America and Europe meet in a common breeding ground in the Atlantic Ocean. When the new eels are hatched, they return to the home of their parents even though the parent does not guide them back. The newly born American eels do not go to Europe, nor do the newborn European eels go to America. How do they know where to go? What design caused this to happen? Does chance explain it? To say that it is instinct does not answer the question. Where did the instinct originate?

We could note the orderly return of salmon from salt water to the fresh water stream from which they were hatched years earlier. We could study the interdependent relationship between various animals that depend upon each other for survival. The same dependence could be seen between various animals and a corresponding plant. Such examples could go on and on. How did they just happen by chance? How did they survive before evolving such relationships?

If that were not enough, we could talk about the order of the human body. We could hear of a muscle which only functions once at birth, but is necessary for us to survive the change from life within the womb to life outside the womb. How did that evolve when it had to be there for any human to survive birth? And what about the human eye? We still cannot match it for vision even using the very latest technology and allowing for many times the space occupied by the eye. As we behold the order of the heart, lungs, brain, eyes, ears, muscles, bone structure, chemical processes or thousands of other systems, we must marvel at the order in each system down to the smallest detail. When we consider that all of those systems exist within each human being, it increases our sense of awe. As researchers delve more deeply into the human body, they are increasingly amazed at its complexity. The project aimed at mapping the human genes has presented a picture of the formerly unimagined order that exists within every cell of our body. Are they all the product of mere chance? What are the odds of that happening?

Reason suggests the conclusion presented in Scripture. Regarding our world, the psalmist said, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork” (Psa. 19:1). Regarding the human body, the psalmist said, “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psa. 139: 14).

(Editor’s Note: We are delighted to announce the addition of Harry Osborne to the staff of writers for Guardian of Truth. Brother Osborne has been preaching at the Alvin congregation for seven and one-half years. He has previously worked in a two-preacher arrangement with Jim Cope at Thonotosassa, FL; at the University Church in Tampa, FL with Guy Roberson; at the Mound and Starr congregation in Nacogdoches, TX in a two preacher arrangement with Robert Harkrider; Bellair in Houston, TX; Eastside in Baytown, TX; and Raymore, MO. He attended Florida College in 1975-1978 and finished his degree at the University of Houston. He did graduate work in biblical interpretation at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, KS. He married Leslie Allen from St. Louis, MO while attending Florida College and they have been married for 18 years. They have two boys  Chris [11 years old] and Ryan [9 years old]. He has preached in foreign fields in Lithuania, Belarus, and Germany. Many of his gospel meetings have been con-ducted in the western states.)

Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 4 p. 1
February 16, 1995