Modernism in Churches of Christ

By Steve Wolfgang Informed students of the history of the Lord’s church know that past examples of modernism(1) among professed members of the Lord’s church are not hard to come by. In the very first chapter of one of the most recent (and one of the best) studies of the Disciples of Christ and Churches of Christ, …

Why I Cannot Worship with a Liberal Church

By Carol R. Lumpkin First of all, allow me to explain what I have in mind when I say a “liberal church.” I have reference to a church which practices that which the New Testament does not authorize, such things as using the church building (paid for with the Lord’s money) for secular education, fellowship halls, …

The Loudermilk-Sexton Debates

By David King A series of public discussions was recently conducted in Wichita, Kansas between William Sexton, evangelist for the Westside Church of Christ, and Robert Loudermilk, evangelist for the Clark and Water Church of Christ. The propositions basically dealt with the cup and class issues which have divided our brethren. However, the propositions-and practically every …

For the Truth’s Sake: How to Not Visit the Fatherless and Widows

By Ron Halbrook “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (Jas. 1:27). This passage tells “himself” or “oneself” (AV) the personal responsibility which he has to help the needy. During the battle over church-sponsored institutions, …