Local Church Organization Perverted

By Jimmy Tuten There is a great need for teaching regarding abuses of church organization. The eyes of the beholder in the sectarian world view the church as another denomination because they see no distinctiveness associated with it. Generally speaking, brethren have become like those around them. Certainly we do not want to “harp” on issues, …

Departures From New Testament Organization: By Modern Denominations

By Karl Diestelkamp If the founders are wrong, can the followers be right (Matt. 15:13, 14)`! If the foundations are unsound, can the building be sound (Matt. 7:26, 27)`! If the doctrines are false, can the beliefs be true (Gal. 1:6, 7; 2 Tim. 4:3, 4)`! If the belief is error, can the practice be true …

The Organization of The Church

By Darrel Haub God has intended from eternity that the church manifest His wisdom to men; therefore, we need to respect His desires in church organization as we do in all other aspects of the church (Eph. 3:8-11). By organization, we mean “to be organized.” When something is organized it is (1) provided with an organic …