Restoration Summit In Joplin, Missouri

By Mike Willis Through the years, unity meetings have been held on several occasions between those of us who oppose instrumental music in worship and those who have elected to use instrumental music in worship. In recent years, Carl Ketcherside and Leroy Garrett were instrumental in arranging many such meetings in which some of us participated …

Perversions in the Worship of Many Local Congregations

By Ron Daly Since apostolic times, faithful preachers of the gospel have forcefully and scripturally requested biblical authority for every practice in which they engage themselves religiously. It is the abandonment of this worthy plea which has been the forerunner (harbinger) to all apostasies, both ancient and modern. It is mandatory that we remember the church …

“How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts?”: Keeping Our Priorities Straight

By Titus Edwards Tommy was the team’s second baseman and third best hitter. Unfortunately on this Wednesday night, the game had started late and was running long. They were losing 3 to 2 in the 5th inning and it was already 7:20. He was worried that church would be starting soon and the game would not …