Shall We Force Them To Do Right With Boycotts, Etc.?

By Kenneth E. Thomas Recently on a radio call-in program supported by a local church of Christ, the movie, “The Last Temptation of Christ,” was discussed. If the movie does indeed portray our Savior as only a man who was guilty of fornication (or any sin for that matter) as it is reported to do, I …

Matthew 19:9 – The Hinge

By P.J. Casebolt When I began preaching in the late 40’s, divorce was not as prevalent in society and in the church as it is today. Among preachers of my acquaintance in the Ohio Valley, most held that Matthew 19:9 set forth the only exception for divorce/remarriage, i.e., fornication. One preacher, brother Ross Swindler of Parkersburg, …

Climbing The Corporate Ladder “In The Church”

By Bill Dodd About twelve years ago as I was preparing to move from a rural congregation, a lady who owned a grocery store where I had done a good bit of buying asked me this question: “Are you going to be promoted as a result of the move?” Her denominational concept would naturally prompt her …