Woman’s “Right” to Choose

By Kenneth D. Sits It appears the debate about abortion in America is over. Recently, America spoke in the national election and various state elections to continue the practice of abortion. Abortion may be defined as: the wanton destruction and elimination of: (1) viable tissue mass or (2) a baby in the womb of a: (1) woman …

Heaven and Hell: Eliminate by Modernism

By Dan King Those students of the Bible who have drunk deeply at the wells of modernism have been affected in most every area of their study. The conclusions which they draw are slanted away from any literal application of scriptural texts which touch upon such subjects as the miraculous, the unseen realms, angels and demons, …

The Lord’s Victory in Russia

By John A. Smith The recent fall of Communism and the collapse of the iron curtain has resulted in an open door for the gospel. The victory and praise belong to the Lord. The Almighty has dramatically answered years of earnest prayers. The ancient foe of atheism has suffered a devastating defeat. A near century of …