The More Popular Works of Roy E. Cogdill

By Jarrod Jacobs The New Testament Church, Roy E. Cogdill, $5.95 hardback, $4.25 paperback, Walking by Faith, Roy E. Cogdill, $3.95 paperback, and Faith and the Faith, Roy E. Cogdill, $6.95. Brother Roy Cogdill realized the importance of the printed page. This realization caused him to use the printed page many times in his life. Besides …

“Give Attention to Reading”

By Connie W. Adams How can you preach what you do not know? Paul charged Timothy to “preach the word” (2 Tim. 4:2). He said for him to “give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” and then Timothy to practice what he learned (“take heed to thyself’) continually in order to “save thyself, and them …