The Gospel to Norway

J. Edward Nowlin

In September of this year, Connie W. Adams and wife, Bobbie, plan to go to Bergen, Norway, to plant the Word of God there. At present, there is no congregation of the church of Christ in that country, so far as we are now aware, but four families are planning to go to Oslo in April of this year. For this reason the Adamses are making plans to go to Bergen, on the west coast, where nobody else plans to go. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway and the principal city on the west coast of the country.

The opportunities for the spread of the truth are very good in Norway. There will not be much of a language barrier, since two years of English are required in Norwegian schools and the language is understood and spoken everywhere in the country. Their standards of living are much the same as ours. Complete freedom of religion is granted, even though Lutheranism is the, official State religion. Denominational churches, especially the Methodists and Baptists are making headway in Norway.

The Adamses need financial support for the two years they plan to stay, and a travel fund sufficient to assure passage both ways. They will have to sell some of their furniture, appliances and their care in order to go. Sister Adams is working in an office in order to help dispose of some financial obligations before time to go. Brother Adams is willing to speak wherever any congregation may be interested in helping. He wishes to be supported directly in the field, since all admit that this method is scriptural. Dispute in the brotherhood is over the "sponsoring church" system. This scribe thinks that gospel preachers are just as honest in handling funds sent to them as others are in handling funds sent for them. Brother Adams will give regular monthly reports of support he receives to all who contribute.

Connie Adams has been preaching twelve years. He attended Florida Christian College for four years, and did local work in Lake City, Fla., Palmetto, Fla., and for the past two and a half years with Glenwood Hills church in Decatur, Ga. He has done meeting work in ten states. He was reared in Virginia; his wife in Kentucky. They have been married nearly seven years, but have no children. It is possible that another middle-aged couple, the W.B. Kickliters, who have no children and are good personal workers may go with them. Anyone wishing to contact the Adamses regarding this proposed work in Norway should write: Connie W. Adams, 920 Candler Road, Decatur, Ga.

Truth Magazine I:8,
May 1957