The Northwest Special Edition

E. L. Flannery
Eugene, Oregon

I wish to thank brother Cecil Willis, editor of Truth Magazine, for the privilege granted us in having a special issue of his fine magazine prepared by brethren preaching in the great Northwest area of the United States. This provides us with the opportunity to present a ' picture" of the church in this area and its needs; it gives us a medium in which to present Bible teaching from some of the able men working in the Northwest; it may encourage others to come and help in the great work of the Lord here; and, finally, it gives us an opportunity to introduce Truth Magazine to brethren in this area who may not have yet subscribed to this excellent publication.

Theme "Building Up Each Congregation"

The theme for this issue is "Building Up Each Congregation," Subjects were assigned with the view in mind that each writer would present material that would be helpful in strengthening each local congregation, for here in this great area there is such a great need for building stronger local churches. I am pleased with the excellent articles the brethren have prepared for this issue, believing them to be timely and true to the Bible. These articles are not copyrighted! Use them in local bulletins, and use them in the local pulpits. Obtain extra copies of Truth Magazine and see that every member gets this special issue.

Brethren, we can grow, we can build up the local church if we will but work at it. These articles cite us to scriptural methods of doing the job.

To Readers ElsewhereAn Appeal

Would you be interested in considering moving to the great Northwest? We need dedicated Christians to live here and help us in the huge rebuilding program in front of us. We need people who want to be put to work for the Lord. We need preachers, teachers, workers!

We need "tent-making" Christians, and there are employment opportunities in the Northwest, especially for the young skilled workers. There is a demand for public school teachers and the schools and salaries are excellent, ranking near the very top in the whole country. Typical, perhaps, of the Northwest, is the salary schedule for teachers here in Eugene, Oregon, where I live  beginning teachers with a four-year degree receive $5200 with an annual increment of $225. Teachers have the state retirement plan and can take Social Security retirement also. Teachers from other states may transfer up to eight years teaching experience. This means a teacher with a four-year degree and five years experience in teaching would begin at a salary of $6325. If you have eight or more years of teaching experience your salary would be $7000 a year.

Of course you already know we have the grandest scenery  great forests forming green aprons for the snow-capped mountains; emerald and sapphire alpine lakes; whitewater rivers teeming with rainbows, cutthroats, steelhead and salmon; glaciers and deserts adjoining. The county (that's c-o-u-n-t-y, not country) in which I live has 145 parks and camps permitting a choice of a high place in the high mountains to the seacoast, and this county is typical of such recreational opportunities throughout the scenic Northwest.

Climate? Select your own! Some have heavy rainfall, other places are desert-like. Some have great snowfall, others none at all. Most of the valleys here that have much winter rainfall must irrigate every summer to produce our fine crops of fruits, berries, vegetables and crops. But, I can't adequately describe the Northwest! Plan a vacation out this way for 1966 and see first hand the beauty of the country and the condition of the church. We then hope you will decide to "hit the Oregon Trail" to live and work in the great Northwest.

TRUTH MAGAZINE X: 2, p. 1 November 1965