Another Good Book "Reflections"

Luther Blackmon
Bedford, Ohio

I asked Roy Cogdill once, who, in his opinion was the best Bible student among our brethren. Of course I realized when I asked the question, and Cogdill realized, I am sure w h e n he answered, that this was a relative question. But he answered instantly: " R. L. Whiteside." I knew brother Whiteside but not nearly as intimately as did brother Cogdill. But reading Whiteside's writings through the years has convinced me that Cogdill's answer was about as nearly correct as could be given to a question of that sort.

Since the passing of brother Whiteside, his daughter, Inys, has compiled and published from his writings three books that ought to be in every Bible student's library. They are (1) Doctrinal Discourses, (2) The Kingdom of Promise and Prophecy, and (3) Reflections. The last named book is just off the press. It is five hundred pages of questions by readers of the Gospel Advocate and answers by brother Whiteside. These questions deal with just about every subject that concerns the average student of the Bible. It is a treasury of mature wisdom and scholarly exegesis. The other books, his Commentary on Romans, "Doctrinal Discourses" and "Kingdom of Promise and Prophecy," are no less worthy, but this last one covers a wider range of subjects and deals with many of the difficult questions that every Bible teacher must meet. I know of no book of comparable size that can be of more help to the serious student of God's word. Price for Reflections is $4.95.

TRUTH MAGAZINE X: 5, p. 9 February 1966