Is the Gospel Sufficient for Man's Needs?

Osby Weaver
Canoga Park, California

Is the speaking that God did "in these last days by his Son" (Hebrews 1:1, 2) adequate to fit the needs of man, or does man need a new gospel? If it is said that we need a new gospel, may we ask, "Why do we need it?" In the beginning, God made the man and some 4000 years later He developed and delivered a plan -- the gospel. Now is this gospel that God gave adequate to fit the needs of the man that He made? If it is not, why is it not? Since God made the man, surely He knew what man needed. If one says that God could not make a plan to satisfy the needs of man, then he reflects upon the power of God. If he says that God could make a plan but just would not do it, then he impeaches the goodness of God. Only the reckless would care to occupy either position.

There is one scripture that provides an ample answer to this question to those who properly respect God's word, and it is very likely that no amount of proof would satisfy those who do not. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 say: "Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work."

That which is "complete" cannot be improved upon.' Any change or alteration in any manner in that which is complete would depreciate it. To say that man needs something more, something less, or something else than that which is adequate to make him complete is about like saying that he needs to be incomplete -- that imperfection is preferable to perfection. Those who insist that the gospel of Christ is inadequate for our needs are placed in the unenviable position of contending for the inferior over the superior. Instead of evolution, we suppose we would have to style that devolution! Man would be headed backward and downward. This of course is what happens when men leave the gospel of Christ and turn to the "weak and beggarly" doctrines and commandments of men (Galatians 4:9).

Not only is the inspired scripture sufficient to make the "man of God complete," but it also "furnishes completely unto every good work." Of course it would have to do that, else it would not make the man of God complete. Whatever, then, the scriptures do not furnish, is not a good work. It matters not what our attitude toward a thing may be, if God did not authorize it, it is not good. If the scriptures furnish completely unto every good work, and they do, then they include everything that God wants, and they exclude everything that He does not want. Therefore, anything that is tendered unto Him in worship, in work, or in doctrine that cannot be read in His word, does not pertain to righteousness and God will not have it!

Furthermore, 2 Peter 1:3 says that "his divine power granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness." How did it grant it? "Through a knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue." Knowledge of Him is found only in His word; therefore God has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness through His word. If His word does not contain it, it does not pertain to either life or godliness. Hence it would be related to ungodliness and death. To want a new gospel, is to turn from life and ask for death.


September 10, 1970