Hungering after Righteousness

Abilene, Texas

It h been said that most of us do just as about everything we want to do. The following article shows how much we can do when we really want to:

"Recently a short notice was published concerning the late Mr. William McPherson. Mr. McPherson had lost his eyes and hands in a dynamite explosion. He found it difficult to face the world of darkness. God's Word became extremely important to him. He wanted to read the Bible, but he couldn't master Braille with artificial hands. He tried the raised letters with his lips, but the dynamite had seared them until he had no feeling in them. One day he discovered that he could distinguish the letters with his tongue. As he eagerly sought to learn the Braille system, his tongue became sore, raw and would bleed. He would stay up all night just to learn one new letter of the alphabet.

Over a period of sixty-five years, spent in darkness, he read the entire Bible four times with his tongue."

December 17, 1970