Anent James W. Adams' Article

Cecil Willis
Marion, Indiana

In this issue you will find a rather lengthy article by Brother James W. Adams of Baytown, Texas. A few words of explanation might be in order. January 11-13, 1971, Abilene Christian College conducted what it called a "Preacher's Workshop." It was expected that about 500 preachers would attend. Several controversial subjects were to be discussed, and able men from opposite viewpoints were chosen to speak. Each speaker was allowed twenty minutes, after which there was a five minute rebuttal speech. Later still was a question period.

Brother Adams was asked to speak on "The Church and Organizations." From my point of view, no man among us has more clearly set forth the legitimate and illegitimate roles of human organizations than has James W. Adams in this speech, and in a series of speeches that he gave a few years ago on the Florida College lecture program.

Some of the liberal brethren have thrown wide-open the flood-gate of human institutionalism. On the other hand, some brethren among us are virtually blind to any legitimate role for human organizations, even as business or service institutions. For some time I have felt that there needed to be additional discussion of the role of private enterprises (which may have religious overtones) among those of us who are sometime dubbed "Conservatives."

This current article, though much longer than we ordinarily publish in one issue, is yet but a brief discussion of the subject. Nevertheless, it is comprehensive, perceptive, and precise. I felt sure that you would profit more from this good article if you could read all of it at one sitting, rather than having to wait until next week to read the remainder of it. This is a significant article, and you should read it very carefully.

Some of the scriptures and other sources cited in this article were not given in the Abilene oral presentation, due to time limitations. However, the audience was told that historical and scriptural documentation for any point could be requested during the question period, should anyone be disposed to challenge the historicity of any point, or the scripturalness of any position or principle stated.

February 4, 1971