Reading the Papers

Connie W. Adams
Louisville, Kentucky

Get Out Your Money

At least two of the colleges are now all out after contributions from churches. Last summer Batsell Barrett Baxter of David Lipscomb College wrote to churches all over the country soliciting contributions to that school. Along with his letter he sent a copy of an ad in a Nashville newspaper in which he had reported that Charlotte Avenue in Nashville had contributed to David Lipscomb College for over 50 years. In a letter dated November 29, 1971, Baxter made a second appeal to churches. First he thanked churches which had already responded. He said:

"We deeply appreciate the way in which many congregations across the Land are concerned that this program of teaching the Bible - the most extensive program undertaken anywhere in the world so far as we are able to determine - may continue. We are grateful for the number of contributions received since this request, and we are hopeful that, as you make your financial plans for 1972, you will include this effort in your budget."

Later he said "Many congregations are presently helping to pay the cost of this teaching of the Bible."

Now comes Freed-Hardeman College with the same plea. In November, 1971 they also mailed out a letter with this statement:

"As one of a thousand churches being asked to contribute $100.00 between now and January 1, 1972, you will be joining forces with other interested congregations in furthering the great cause of Christian education at Freed-Hardeman."

For years we have been trying to tell some brethren that institutionalism was a "package deal." The same principle which allows church contributions to benevolent institutions will allow church support of the schools. We also tried to point out that the orphan home in the budget was not the real issue, but a softening up campaign to get the schools in the budget. My question is this: What are those brethren now going to do who vehemently said they would leave if the congregation where they worshipped ever put the colleges in the budget? I predict that most of them will just gag a little and then swallow. Baxter was right when he said "they stand or fall together." The trouble is that both of them "fall" for want of scriptural authority. But, let the liberal churches get out their money. It would not do to be called an "anti" on this question. It will also be very interesting to see what Reuel Lemmons of the Firm Foundation will have to say since he is on record as saying there is no difference in a church supported college and a missionary society. In fact Baxter said in his letter of November 29, 1971, "In a very real sense, this is one of the most extensive mission efforts being undertaken anywhere."

Speak, Brother Lemmons, we are anxious to hear what you have to say.

Sex at Sunday School

The December 27, 1971 Newsweek magazine reports that the Unitarian Universalist Association is now showing in Sunday School some very explicit sex education films depicting intercourse between adults as well as scenes of various kinds of perversion. These are said to be "franker" than any of the materials ever used in the public school sex education courses. The children are urged to make their own, decisions and "not to impose their own views." It is reported that Unitarians hope this course of study will be adopted by the public schools. This extreme case but illustrates why some people in various denominations are greatly upset and honestly wanting to find something that makes sense in religion. Brethren, are you listening? The radical changes in denominationalism provide many good opportunities for alert soul winners to find receptive prospects.

Preacher, Anyone?

The November 22, 1971 Christian Chronicle carries an ad from a preacher as follows:

"Progressive, born-again preacher seeking congregation where Biblical preaching is appreciated. I refuse to be bound by traditionalism! Excellent references available. Willing to move anywhere the Spirit seems to direct. Ten years experience."

Hurry, brethren, this fellow must be something on a stick!

Movie Ratings

A reporter for the Jefferson Reporter, a weekly suburban Kentucky paper, interviewed the managers of several drive-in movies about the movie rating system. The manager of the Valley Drive-In in Louisville was asked what was the difference in a movie with a "G" rating and one with a "GP". He was quoted as saying "Mostly the cussing." In case you have been thinking that a GP rated movie would be acceptable for the family, just remember that the language gets pretty blue. Have you noticed the increase in profanity on TV programs this year? Maybe the country needs a rating system for TV.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 21, pp. 6-7
March 30, 1972