The Lord's Day

John Brandt

"The Lord's day is the day on which Crist rose from the dead. It is the day on which he broke bread with the apostles. It is the day on which the Holy Ghost descended from heaven. It is the day on which salvation was first preached to the whole world. It is the day on which repentance, baptism and remission of sins were first preached in the name of Christ. It is the day on which the first church of Christ was established. It is the day on which the apostles and primitive Christians met, to read the Scriptures; to observe the Lord's Supper; to offer prayers, and participate in the various religious privileges. It is the day on which the apocalypse was revealed to John on the isle of Patmos. It is a day filled with hallowed memories of sacred events. It is a day filled with hallowed memories and sacred events. It is a day of rest and worship. It is a day of joy, praise, thanksgiving and fellowship. This day as we remember, in partaking of this Supper, that Christ died for us, and that the Son of righteousness rose for our justification, let us ask God to keep us faithful and steadfast in thus showing forth His death and resurrection until the glorious day of eternity shall dawn upon us, and we shall have that unspeakable privilege of sitting down at the table of the Lord, with the loved ones who have gone before, in that everlasting kingdom."

Truth Magazine XXII: 1, p. 12
January 5, 1978