Is Our Faith Groundless?

Donald P. Ames
Lowell, Indian

In Heb. 11:1 we find, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." There are things we must accept by faith, as there is no other way we can explain them. We cannot examine them scientifically, nor are we eyewitnesses of them. Thus, our only source of information is that which is found in the word of God itself. To illustrate, even the Bible tells us, "No man has seen God at any time" (Jn. 1:18). What is He like? Does He have a body? Where did he come from? Is He masculine or a female, as some today claim? Our only source for answers is that which is found in the Bible (Jn. 4:24, Gen. 1:1).

By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible" (Heb. 11:3). What do we know about the creation? Was it six actual days or billions of years? Did it come at the spoken word of God, or by some other means? How did man get here? Our only reply, again, is what the word of God reveals to us (Gen. 1-2).

How do we know there is a heaven? Has anyone ever actually seen it? Have we walked its street? Taken pictures of it? Do we have any tangible evidence it exists? Does man have a soul? Can we scientifically calculate its existence? Is it eternal or does it cease when we die? And, are our sins really removed when we obey the gospel of Christ? What proof do we have that they have been? These, and many more questions, are only able to be answered by going to the word of God (Matt. 5:12, 10:28, 25:46; Mk. 16:16; etc.). Again our reply is- basely solely upon faith in the word of God that these things are so.

Because of this faith in the Bible as the source of our convictions, some today would accuse us of following a "blind faith," of believing in a faith that is "groundless" and "without support." They mock our belief in God and in the Bible as His inspired word (2 Tim. 3:16-17). They denounce it as "unreasonable," "unscientific," and "foolishness."

Of course it is true we accept only by faith in the word of God that God has always existed. But by the same token, evolutionists must also accept by faith the eternal existence of energy and matter. Thus the question that must be answered is: Which system of faith (creation with God or evolution without God) is the more logical and consistent? Is Christianity a defensible religion? I believe that it is, and that our faith is based on valid and solid evidences.

Paul was not afraid nor ashamed to profess a belief in the Bible as the inspired word of God (Rom. 1:16). He went amongst the heathen (Gentiles) and "in almost all of Asia... persuaded and turned away a considerable number of people, saying that gods made with hands are no gods at all" (Acts 19:26). This he could not do by pronouncing a blindly accepted faith and merely asking them to accept it because he liked that idea better than the idea of their idols. Instead, he challenged their idols, reasoned with them, presented evidence for the existence of one true God, and convinced them of the validity of the revealed word of God. So did the others who carried the word of God forth amongst the heathen. Their logic and reasoning had to be valid and effective or they would have made no converts.

God has given us testimony of Himself in the creation, the universe and the marvelous creation of man (Rom. 1:20; Acts 14:17; Job 37-38; Psa. 19:1-2, 139:14). The Bible also bears testimony that it is the product of a Divine Mind in the consistency of its account, the prophecies and their fulfillment, the accuracy of their records, and the simplicity with which it treats its great themes and men-without claiming sinless perfection for its heros. Indeed it is the inspired word of that "Divine Mind" (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:21; 1 Thess. 2:13). Thus, our faith is not "groundless," and "without support" but based on solid, reasonable and reliable evidence. We can know it is sound because the basis has been demonstrated, and from this clear proof, we need not fear to base our faith on its promises, nor to stand ready to declare its defense (1 Pet. 3:15). Thank God for the evidences He has given us, that we might have faith in the accuracy of His word on those things we must accept by faith (Titus 1:2).

Truth Magazine XXII: 19, pp. 317-318
May 11, 1978