"I Will Never Turn Around"

(Rom. 8:35-39; 2 Cor. 11:23-33)

Ronnie Daly
Nacogdoches, Texas

Money they have offered me;

It I didn't receive.

Big churches they have promised me,

The truth I will never leave.

I have received threats from brethren;

They have denied me a place to preach.

But I shall still cling to the gospel

And seek those whom I can teach.

A big name they have promised me;

If I preach what they want to hear.

Start preaching on love and mercy,

Stop preaching on fornication

And the drinking of beer!

I will never have a big name

Nor have many places to preach,

But with God's help I will be faithful

While heaven I hope to reach!

Truth Magazine XXII: 28, p. 450
July 20, 1978