Bible Basics: Shallow Emotionalism

Earl Robertson
Tomkinsville, KY

Religious people, devoid of the truth, have a solution for every objection they receive from others critical of their actions which have no Bible authority to support them. Their solution is merely, "I love you." Or, "I love you; God bless you, brother." This trite statement is no answer at all. It is subterfuge and shallow emotionalism. But people who do not have the truth and are not really concerned with having it, can work themselves into an emotional condition that any thing becomes acceptable to their conscience.

Paul wrote of the greatness and excellencies of love saying it never fails and endures all things. He stated that love "rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth" (1 Cor. 13:6). The sphere of truth is the only realm in which real love can rejoice. When the truth is not being respected by one or a church, it makes no difference how much hugging, hand holding, crying, saying "I love you," goes on. Such is not love! Men write of the many accomplishments of a church which have no truth authorizing them, but they rejoice in these many attainments anyway. The New Testament still says love rejoiceth not in iniquity, but in the truth. "Iniquity" is dative singular and means unrighteousness. Thayer says this iniquity is "opposed to the truth" (pg. 12). Any action, therefore, which is not circumscribed by the truth of God does not allow for rejoicing. But who among the emotionally charged believes what Paul wrote by the moving of the Holy Spirit? Their subjective feelings take precedence over the objective truth revealed by the Holy Spirit unto man. When one's feelings can satisfactorily be accepted as the standard in faith and morals and the word of God brushed aside, it is cheap emotionalism. This is what some preachers and churches want; they are happy and rejoice in it! But real love, genuine, true love, does not rejoice in such, but in the truth - what is written. It takes so little to deeply satisfy some. We ask you to cease trusting your inner feelings as a guide and demand the word of God for your standard.

Truth Magazine XXIV: 40, p. 650
October 9, 1980