A Father And His Children

Irven Lee
Toney, Alabama

Every child deserves a worthy and dedicated father an mother, but there are very many children who do not have devout parents who are seeking to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Successful home makers are to the praise of God. It is very important that we a show great interest in the spiritual, as well as the physical health of children in general, and especially of our own descendants. Let us be able to demonstrate to the world that Christians bring up the best citizens, not for pride's saki but for the sake of all who are involved and for the glory of God.

Faith in God and knowledge of His word are blessings to all who have these great possessions. Success in training our own depends upon our effective teaching by example and by word of mouth, beginning in the early days of the life of the child and continuing with dependable consistency. Failure in the early years of the child, or at any other period of his life, can lead to failure in the spiritual development of this son or daughter.

Wisdom and common sense are needed in carrying out any important work of skill. We may improve our skills by putting special effort into learning how to do the job. "Know how" is certainly involved in child care (1 Tim. 3:4,5). Many mothers, and maybe more fathers, are failing to fulfil their duties toward their children. These fathers may pass the weeks and months without giving thought to the effects of their unholy examples and of their little concern for their children's welfare. Good men may be failing to do their best in this regard without realizing it.

Men, do your children suddenly adopt a lower standard of behavior when you come home? Ask your wife sometime, and allow her the freedom to tell the truth. Your children may maintain better behavior when you are away and they are at home with their mother.

Some mothers and fathers may use the rod as the fir punishment rather than reserve it for more stubborn rebellion. Milder forms of discipline like a few patient words of instruction may be more effective in dealing with minor problems. Whipping too often may discourage children lose its effectiveness. Some skilled mothers with more patience and kindness may have very well-balanced children and seldom have to use the rod. Be firm but fair. Be firm but not abusive. A pleasant relaxed attitude on the part of the parents may lead to orderly behavior on the part of the children, while excessive use of the rod could lead discouraged and rebellious children (Col. 3:21).

Guardian of Truth XXVIII: 6, p. 170
March 15, 1984