Fellowshipping Error

Luke Flynn
Summerville, South Carolina

Once again, I have before me, a paper that is full of malice and venom toward the Lord's church and those that would stand in defense of it. This paper does not come to me through the mail however. It comes through a second party, for the writer and editor of this paper will not send his "bag" of half-truths, misconceptions and delusions to anyone except those "in the pews." This paper is called The Examiner which is a bit of a misnomer, for the only thing it "examines" is the obvious disrespect of the church and disregard of the Scriptures that the editor-in-chief, as well as his followers, hold dear. My dismay, however, is not with the same old rhetoric spouted forth from The Examiner. Any Bible student can easily see through the facade of "truth and freedom" advocated in this paper. However, I did want to take some time to talk about those who support and endorse this false teaching.

With the publishing of each Examiner, there is a page entitled, "Readers Respond. " I must admit that I am more disappointed in some of my brethren than I am in the teaching in this false doctrine. With every issue comes statements like, "Love the paper . . . I cannot express the pleasure I receive . . . I am a teacher and am doing my part in sharing much of your material. . .," "The Examiner . . . was very (emp. Holt) good. . .," "Keep the good news going. . .," (same person sent $50.00 to support the paper), "Thanks again for your fine work and your example of courage. . .," "Best to you. . . " and so on! It does not come as a shock to me that there will always be brethren who will not follow the "old paths" (Jer. 6:16), but will seek to "heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4). What does shock me is the alarming number of brethren who are either partially or wholeheartedly supporting (verbally and financially) this false teaching. It is a mark upon the church that shows forth just how far some have gotten away from the knowledge of the truth. Some have become spiritual derelicts and have left their first love.

There are not only individuals, but whole households and entire congregations that have been over turned by the evil and deceit of this false teaching. Brethren, have we gotten so far away from the Bible that we have forgotten the principles of God? Have we gotten away from the knowledge that the support of false teachers or even "partially" false teachers is a sin? Let's take a look at the Scriptures. 2 John 9 - "Whosoever goeth onward and abideth not in the teaching of Christ, hath not Go& he that abideth in the teaching, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any one cometh unto you and bringeth not this teaching, receive him not into your house, and give him no greeting: for he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his evil works. " What is this saying? God is telling us that we who would support those who. teach error or even "partial" error are just as guilty as the one doing the teaching. Paul said, "Lay hands hastily on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sing- keep thyself pure" (1 Tim. 5:22). The Bible tells us to support a false teacher (verbally, financially, or otherwise) is to be as guilty as the one doing the false teaching. We are not even to give greeting to such a one. Those that teach error are cursed (Gal. 1:8-9) and will have the wrath of God upon them (Eph. 5:6-10).

All of my brethren who are reading this article and supporting the Examiner should be ashamed of themselves, repent, ask God's forgiveness and get back to the work of our Lord. "Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith" (Heb. 12:1-2). Brethren think on these things.

Guardian of Truth XXXIII: 22, p. 676
November 16, 1989