The Jackson -Warnock Discussion

Mike Willis
Danville, Indiana

In the following pages appears a discussion between Roger Jackson of Somerville, Alabama and Weldon Warnock of Beavercreek, Ohio on the issue of church support of benevolent Institutions. Brother Jackson affirms their right to exist and brother Warnock denies. I thought a word of introduction to the discussion would be appropriate.

The 1 August 1991 issue of Guardian of Truth contained a report of the Thrasher-Jackson debate in northern Alabama, The report was written by Wayne Greeson, Brother Jackson sent me a five-page reply to that report for publication in Guardian of Truth. When I refused to publish the report because It would lead to a debate over a review of a debate, I offered brother Jackson opportunity to defend his practice in the pages of Guardian of Truth. Later, he sent me a transcription of one item he felt he had been misrepresented on and I published the transcription along with a few comments.

Our correspondence and telephone conversation led to an agreement for three discussions to be published in Guardian of Truth, The discussions were to occur in this order: (a) Brother Jackson would defend the church support of benevolent Institutions; (b) Brother Warnock would defend the saints only proposition; (c) Brother Jackson would defend the church support of colleges. This first discussion is the beginning of the fulfillment of this agreement.

In providing for this discussion, I tried to get brother Jackson to arrange for some paper which circulates among his brethren to carry the discussion as well. He was unable to find one.

On February 8, 1992, offer the discussion had already begun, brother Jackson wrote me about his affirming the third proposition of this discussion. He said, 1 cannot affirm what, to me, is an endorsement of the colleges in our brotherhood. I do not know of a one that I would endorse as worthy of either individual or collective support, I believe they have taken the brethren's money and then stabbed them in the back. They support false teachers and deny the brethren one, word of criticism." He went on to state that he had not studied the church support of colleges question sufficiently to feel comfortable debating the issue. Consequently, there will be no discussion of the church support of colleges.

Despite my dissatisfaction with some aspects of this discussion, such as it not being published by a paper circulating among our liberal brethren, the truth has nothing to hide, We are happy to have our readers read both sides of this and any other Issue. I ask that each of our readers give careful attention to what both disputants have written and "search the Scriptures" to see if the things taught are so.

Guardian of Truth XXXVI: 11, p. 330
June 4, 1992