Olen Holderby Added to

Guardian of Truth Staff

We are happy to announce the addition of brother Olen Holderby to the staff of Guardian of Truth. Brother Holderby has been preaching the gospel for about 50 years, with 38 of those years being in California. He has done local work in Florida, Arizona, California, Oregon, and Missouri, Gospel meeting work has taken him into many states from New York to California. Many of these preaching years have been spent helping begin new congregations or assisting small groups in obtaining their own facilities and toward further development.

Brother Holderby also has considerable background in the educational field, having taught in the public schools of California from the elementary through junior college levels. He holds lifetime credentials in both teaching and educational work. In addition, he has held credentials in the field of counseling, a work which he has continued for over twenty-five years. although he refuses to accept any pay for such work. We are confident that you will look forward to reading his timely articles in Guardian of Truth.

Guardian of Truth XXXVIII: 21, p. 8
November 3, 1994