Outstanding Events in the Work of the Lord in Mexico

Armando Ramirez

As part of the work of building the church that meets in Calixto de Ayala #78 in H. Matamoros, Tamp., it opened its doors for its first Bible lectureship March 28 through April 1, 1994. The lectures include topics such as: 1. Christ's Divinity (by brother Javier Serrano) presenting the teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses and its respective biblical objections to its doctrines. A special study was made of the passages of Philippians 2:4-11; John 1:11; Colossians 1:15-18 and Revelation 3:14.2. Personal Dwelling and Works from the Holy Spirit (by brother Epafrodito Sandoval). It was a study by which the different denominational concepts were reviewed relating to the dwelling and works of the Holy Spirit in Christians today. A careful analysis was made regarding the function of the word and the Spirit. 3. Organization and Works of the Local Church, and a synthesis of the Beginning of Works in the North Part of Mexico (by brother Arturo Rodriguez).

4. Art of reasoning (argumentive). Designed to show the use of reasoning during discussions with people on biblical characters. 5. Historical and scientific evidences from the Bible (by brother Armando Ramirez). To establish historical support of the facts of scientific events and declarations from the Bible was the design of this study. 6. Tendencies towards a new apostasy (by brother Fernando Coronado). It was the study that brought expectation and preoccupation to the attending persons. The changes on the 1950's that affected the church have been repeating themselves among other churches time after the other. Besides, there are tendencies that can lead to new apostasies. A clear and frontal declaration of non-scriptural and pagan practices was declared and considered before the light of the teachings of the Bible.

Studies on Evidences

For the last two years I have been providing studies on Evidences to believe in the doctrines from the Bible. The importance of the subject can be seen by the need to teach our youth and adolescents who are bombed by the teachings of humanism, evolution, and modernism that denies the existence of God, the holy origin of the Bible and the reality of sin.

The titles of this lectures were: 7. Arguments to prove the existence of God," "Divine Origin of the Bible and proofs of its Inspiration" and "Historicity of Jesus." These studies were condensed due to time.

The brothers asked me to continue providing these studies on Evidences for the benefit of a great number of adolescents, youth and adult brothers in this church. These studies were held on the 18-21 December, 1994. The themes presented were the following: "Nature of the Biblical Miracles"; "Proof of Fulfilled Prophecy"; "Veracity of the Resurrection of Christ"; "Biblical Archeology" (a visual study supported by photos of biblical sites taken by brother Wence Garza during his recent trip to Israel and Greece).

Re-establishment of the Church in Morelia

For many years the church in Morelia, Mich., had been suffering by different factors. When brother Ramon Guevara passed away, the work was left without a full-time preacher. Several attempts were made in order to find a brother to continue the teachings.

It was during my visit to the church in San Felipe, Gto., in April, 1993, that I had the opportunity to visit and meet the brothers from Morelia. During this time, we were unable to establish biblical studies, but it helped to lean about the prevailing needs and to make arrangements for future studies.

We studied themes related to the autonomy of the church, its organization and a review on the arrangements without biblical authority by institutional brothers as well as sermons after the studies.

A New Generation of Preachers

Brother Jose Carmen Mejia (Apdo. Postal #48 C.P. 3600). Brother Jose Carmen obeyed the evangelism in Dallas, Texas, and was trained for a short time by now deceased brother Abelardo Montanez. He came back to his place of origin and started preaching surrounded by great opposition of sectarian groups, especially Catholics. After eight years of hard work; several member of the family of the brother, have followed evangelism, and a number of adult women and few men. Hno. Severiano Solis has preached for most of the churches in Chiapas and some in Guatemala. Brother Juan Carlos Rodriguez (Apdo. 1173, Merida, Yucatan) who actively cooperates in preaching at the church in Merida and frequently visits almost all the churches along the Peninsula. Brother Moises Gil Nufiez has been preaching for a long time in the church of Tepic. Brother Moises has doctrine and practice of each teaching of the Bible. Brother Jaime Lara Balderas has been preaching for 17 years, as a local preacher and has participated in a series in Monterrey, Monclova and the north part of Tamaulipas. He is characterized as a profound speaker while explaining the word. He is a honest surveyor of Greek roots and the related words and a consultant on several comments and treaties in English. Brother Javier Serrano (138 Valley Blvd., Alamo, TX 78516). Brother Javier has been a full-time preacher since 1993, but since his conversion in 1986 he started preaching in San Antonio, Texas, the valley of Texas and the North part of Tamaulipas. He and his wife Rossy are trying to start their work in Elsa, Texas. They have knocked on almost every door of the homes in this community looking for honest hearts that would receive the gospel.

Publication of "The Estimulador"

During the last two decades, there has been great absence of materials and bulletins in Spanish, produced by conservative brothers. We are publishing this newspaper called "El Estimulador" (The Stimulator). Two special editions will be published yearly, depending on the circumstances of the time (the first will be dedicated to institutionalism).

Translation of Several Materials

I am dedicated to the translation of several materials in English. The following are essential for our use and on which I am working: Foundations of Faith; The Christian and the Church; Notes on the Book of Revelation; these writings by James E. Cooper; Tarsus to Rome With Paul (In Depth study of Paul's Life); How the New Testament Came to Us; The Holy Spirit: His Person and Work by Jimmy Tuten. The Development of the New Testament by Arthur M. Ogden. The Nature of Christ by Hoyt Houchen, Women Professing Godliness. Besides these works, I am translating the notebooks of Harkrider on John and Acts. Brother Ruben Amador is working on a revision of the translation.

Readings on First Corinthians

A lecture was made at the local church in Rio Bravo, Tam, starting on October 31 to November 4, 1994. Due to the need at that time and the circumstances that several brothers are going through, the congregation in this place has decided to make these studies on the First Epistle of Corinthians. The expositions were made through the chapters and with applications on the teachings of the Christian today. The meaning and general introduction on First Corinthians was presented before the exposition.

It is my prayer that we join efforts and double our efforts to work more completely and effectively in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and carrying its fruit towards him.

I hope that this information will help you to know about efforts of edification that are being done in Mexico by native preachers. But I hope that this will serve to turn the eyes and hearts to a field in which there is still plenty of work to do.

Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 4 p. 8-9
February 16, 1995