What’s Wrong With Today’s Woman?

Larry Ray Hafley
Sharon Stone is one of America’s leading actresses. Here is what her “father said to her when she asked him what he thought about her appearing in Playboy, as quoted by the actress’ mother, Dorothy, in Talk magazine.”

“If I told you not to do it, I’d be pretty hypocritical because I’ve been getting Playboy for years, and those girls are somebody’s daughters. If you feel comfortable doing it, then go for it” (Houston Chronicle, 5/4/00, 2D).

Frankly, folks, a man with such an outlook on decency, morality, and pornography ought to resign his position as fatherly advisor. The mere fact that Stone would even ask her father such a question speaks a gigabyte. How many young ladies, being raised by godly parents, can imagine asking their father what he would think about their appearing in Playboy?

Suppose a man frequented prostitutes and his daughter asked him what he thought about her becoming one. Should the man say, “If I told you not to do it, I’d be pretty hypocritical because I’ve been committing fornication with them for years, and those girls are somebody’s daughters. If you feel comfortable doing it, then go for it.” Wonder if Mr. Stone would so advise his daughter, if that were the case? 

Sadly, I fear that Mr. Stone is raising up more daughters than are we. His spirit is the majority. Hence, we have more sultry Sharons than virgin Marys.

What a shame, and what a peril for our country (Prov. 14:34; 16:12). 
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 15  p4  August 3, 2000