“It Is For The Best”

Jarrod Jacobs
Probably all of us have used and/or heard this statement from time to time. When something unpleasant happens, some will say, “It is for the best. . . .” While this can be true at times, it is not always true. For instance, I recently heard this statement being used in reference to children of divorced parents being bounced from one home to the other. The comment was made that they would spend part of their time with one parent (and step-parent), and then part of their time with the other parent (and step-parent). Then one said, “It is for the best.”

Let me ask, for whom is it “for the best”? For those children who are constantly in a state of upheaval as they move from one residence to the other; or is it for the parents who get their conscience soothed in watching their children, but are not actually “tied down” to having them all the time as they would have if the original married couple had stayed together?

Don’t misunderstand, there are times that one can be scripturally divorced from his mate (Matt. 5:32; 19:9). However, in the majority of divorce cases today, where people just get divorced because they “fell out of love,” or “just couldn’t get along,” etc.; how is it “for the best” to put our innocent children through that?

The purpose of this article is not solely about the above case, but to show us that people today are more selfish than we like to admit. Sayings such as “it is for the best” applied to a broken home show just how selfish we can be.

When someone says something like “It is for the best,” find out for whom and why that particular thing is the best! It may be. We might say, “The child’s parents died, so the grandparents are raising him. It is for the best.” We could discuss one’s martial status and say, “They felt that due to Matthew 19:9, they didn’t have the right to remarry and never did. It is for the best.” Again, “In order to fulfill Ephesians 6:4 in the best way, the father did not accept his promotion at work, which paid more, but required longer hours and a grueling schedule on the family. It is for the best.” Some may have to part with a friend because his rotten character and influence are damaging to the Christian. That parting would be “for the best” (1 Cor. 15:33; 2 Cor. 6:14-17).

In other words, it is always “for the best” when we make decisions based upon God’s will (Col. 3:17; 1 Pet. 4:11). It is never “for the best” when we make decisions to satisfy our selfish desires. God’s way is best, not man’s way (Isa. 55:9)! When we forget this, and justify sinful behavior by saying, “It is for the best,” we are setting ourselves up for a fall, and an eternity not with God, but with Satan and his angels!

Is what you are doing really “for the best”? Examine your actions in light of God’s word and see if God thinks “It is for the best” (1 Thess. 5:21; 2 Cor. 13:5).

2155 Sunset Dr., White Bluff, Tennessee 37187
Truth Magazine Vol. XLV: 9  p11  May 3, 2001